
Digital transformation with the University of Maribor
Digital literacy is an essential skill today. This is especially true for businesses and organisations, as digitalisation makes it easier for them to better adapt to changing trends and become more efficient and innovative. At the University of Maribor, through the EDIH DIGI-SI platform, we offer a wide range of services and connections with top experts to help you on your digital transformation journey. Join us! For more information, please watch the video below.

Digital Innovation Challenge Competition
The EDIH DIGI-SI consortium announces a call for digital innovations to participate in the Digital Innovation Challenge Competition, where we will select the best digital innovation! The winning digital innovation will receive active promotion both in the Slovenian market and in foreign markets through various European networks of DIGI-SI partners, and the finalists of the competition will receive a mentoring “pitching workshop” and a ticket to PODIM 2024, the most influential technology and start-up event in Europe. Competition process: first round of evaluation – selection of up to 10 finalists; participation of finalists in a “pitching” workshop; attendance of finalists at PODIM 2024 second round of evaluation at the DIGI-SI Community Days conference in the fall of 2024 – selection of the winner. Who can apply? The call is open only to Slovenian citizens over 18 years of age with the permission of the organization they work for, who have at least one of the following statuses: researcher/higher education teacher, student, SME (small or medium-sized enterprise), start-up. Additional information for proposers: the level of technological development of the proposed digital innovation must not be lower than 6 (TRL6). More about the levels of technological development here; the proposed digital innovation […]

Demystifying cyber security technologies: Demystifying user (in)security online
On Thursday, January 18, 2024, within the framework of EDIH DIGI-SI, this year’s first professional-educational seminar Demystification of user (in)security online was held, which was conducted by Assoc. dr. Lili Nemec Zlatolas and dr. Marko Kompara from the Laboratory for Data Technologies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics of the University of Maribor. In the first part of the seminar, we took a close look at passwords, presented password managers and more advanced methods of authenticating and protecting access to our online accounts. In the second part, we focused on cyber attacks such as identity theft, various forms of fraud (e.g. phishing), harmful software and the like. We regularly organize professional and educational seminars on the topic of demystifying modern technologies. You can follow them here.

Educational seminar Demystifying blockchain technology in business
On Thursday, December 14th, the second seminar Demystifying blockchain technology in business was held. At the seminar, the head of DIH UM and EDIH DIGI-SI, assoc. prof. dr. Muhamed Turkanović, who is also the founder and head of Blockchain Lab:UM within the Institute of Informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics of the University of Maribor, explained in more detail how blockchain technology works. The participants of the seminar learned about the possibilities of using this technology and advantages of its implementation in their business. They were also introduced to some examples of good practices and had the opportunity to ask the lecturer questions.

Educational seminar Demystifying Cyber Security technologies
On Wednesday, November 29 2023, the seminar Demystifying Cyber Security technologies was held as part of EDIH DIGI-SI. The lecturers at the seminar, assoc. prof. dr. Marko Hölbl and dr. Marko Kompara from the Laboratory for Data Technologies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics of the University of Maribor, presented various aspects of cyber security. The basics of cryptography, which are the basis of many security mechanisms, digital certificates and public key infrastructure were presented. We clarified concepts such as electronic signature, digital certificate, SIGEN-CA, eOsebna, etc. and possibilities of application in practice. By introducing new possibilities for using biometrics, FIDO 2 the user authentication aspect of PassKey was addressed. We also touched on the future of cyber security in the age of quantum computers and concluded the seminar with a comprehensive approach to information security, an information security management system. We regularly organize professional and educational seminars on the topic of demystifying modern technologies. Follow them at

Demystifying High Performance Computing in Tourism
On Friday, November 10, 2023, the seminar Demystifying High Performance Computing in Tourism was held as part of EDIH DIGI-SI. Lecturer at the seminar, doc. dr. Domen Verber, head of the Laboratory for Real-Time Systems at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics of the University of Maribor, presented how High-Performance Computing (HPC) can be used in various areas of the tourism industry and in creating a good experience for tourists. He presented an overview of HPC concepts, tools, and techniques, with a special emphasis on their use in tourism, examples of good practices and existing solutions in this area, and potential opportunities offered by HPC technology in the future. We regularly organize educational seminars on the topic of demystifying modern technologies. In case you want to learn more about technologies like artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cyber security, internet of things, big data, virtual/augmented reality, robotics and blockchain technology, follow the current seminars here.

xChange: European Manufacturing SMEs, start your digital transformation with ADMA TranS4MErs!
In October, we gathered at the third xChange event as part of the ADMA TranS4MErs project, which took place as part of the SEEMEET 2023 networking event. The event participants were presented with a second open call to which small and medium-sized companies operating in the field of advanced manufacturing can apply. Not only that, the visitors also had the opportunity to see the xChange platform and the services we offer as part of the project.

Demystifying IoT in Agrifood: Digitization in Support of Precision Agriculture
On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, as part of EDIH DIGI-SI, we organized a seminar Demystifying IoT in agrifood: Digitization in support of precision agriculture. The seminar’s lecturer, a researcher from the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences of the University of Maribor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jurij Rakun, first outlined the basic concepts of digitization and its connection with the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to the participants, and then presented how IoT is connected to agriculture. The seminar also touched on the topics of sensor systems and robotics, and as always, it also included the presentation of good practices in the field. We regularly organize seminars on the topic of demystifying modern technologies. In case you want to learn more about technologies like artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cyber security, internet of things, big data, virtual/augmented reality, robotics and blockchain technology, follow the current seminars here.

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare
On Monday, October 23, 2023, the seminar Demystification of artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare was held as part of EDIH DIGI-SI, conducted by the founder and head of the Laboratory for Intelligent Systems at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor, Prof. Dr. Vili Podgorelec. At the seminar, the participants got an insight into the importance of data science and the basic ideas and concepts of machine learning, which is one of the key areas of artificial intelligence. In the foreground were the mechanisms of artificial intelligence, which the lecturer presented using practical and interesting examples. We regularly organize educational seminars on the topic of demystifying modern technologies. In case you want to learn more about technologies like artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cyber security, internet of things, big data, virtual/augmented reality, robotics and blockchain technology, follow the current seminars here.

Supercomputers for super challenges of companies
On Friday, October 20, 2023, the event Supercomputers for super challenges of companies took place as Supercomputing centers in Slovenia opened their doors into the world of supercomputers. At the event, the participants first learned more about the SLING National Competence Center and the EuroCC 2 project, which were presented by Urša Vodopivec from Arnes. This was followed by the presentation of the HPC centers, namely the HPC center Arctur, the largest private center in Central and Eastern Europe, built primarily for the needs of companies, which was presented by the head of the center, Tristan Pahor, and the most powerful high-performance computer in Slovenia – HPC Vega, which was presented by Dejan Valh from the Institute of Information Science (IZUM). In the second part of the program, both speakers revealed to the participants how to access the use of high-performance computers, while Irena Ivanuš, operational coordinator of EDIH DIGI-SI, presented the possibilities of using HPC as part of the European Digital Innovation Hub DIGI-SI. The event was enriched by the presentation of dr. Jure Mencinger, specialist in the field of numerical simulations in Gorenje, who shared with the participants an example of good practice of using HPC technology in […]

AI REGIO Final Event
On October 27, 2023, we took part in the final event in Brussels as part of the AI REGIO project – “Regions and Digital Innovation Hubs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs”. The event took place in the spirit of the four key themes of the project, namely artificial intelligence, regions, digital innovation hubs and small and medium-sized enterprises. The results of the project and the success achieved by the partners were presented, among other things, the strong establishment of cooperation within regions and member states, the improvement of the offer of digital innovation hubs with the aim of helping small and medium-sized enterprises, and selected experiments of the project. In the first part, the participants got to know better the aspect of digital innovation hubs (DIHs), the methodology for the development and operation of DIHs, the DIH4INDUSTRY platform and its use, the Didactic Factory Network and the regional ecosystem were presented. Participants also contributed their opinion in an interactive discussion on how DIHs and EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hubs) can improve their offer for SMEs. The second part focused on an artificial intelligence-based data platform for manufacturing called DATA4AI. In addition, one of the results of […]

EDIH Study Visit: presentation of good practice to Kenyan delegation
In July, the University of Maribor was visited by a delegation within the framework of the GIZ DTC SKIIVE project, with the aim of acquiring knowledge and analysis of digital innovation hubs (DIHs), which focus on the sectors of Agriculture, Energy and ICT. The delegation consisted of representatives of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), SKIIVE (Strengthening Kenyan Intermediaries and Innovation Ecosystem), the Ministry of ICT of Kenya and the ACTS consortium. With the desire to establish an efficient and self-sufficient green DIH in Kenya, the delegation initially visited us at the headquarters of the DIH UM, the rectorate of the University of Maribor, where we, as the coordinator of the European Digital Innovation Hub DIGI-SI (EDIH DIGI-SI), presented them with the process of establishing , planning and operation of the hub. Head of DIH UM and EDIH DIGI-SI, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamed Turkanović, thus presented the most important factors of the operation of this type of entity. After that, during the presentation of our guests, we looked for common points and opportunities for cooperation. EDIH DIGI-SI partner, Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota, presented its organization and DIH Agrifood, as well as the AfriConEu project, aimed at networking European and […]

DIH-World – Strengthening Regional Digital Innovation Hubs to Accelerate European SME Digitisation
The DIH-World project, which lasted 3 years, is ending in June 2023. The DIH-World project, which shows its purpose through the slogan Accelerating deployment and matureness of DIHS for the benefit of Digitisation of European SMEs, has done just that in its three years of operation – strengthened regional digital innovation hubs (DIHs) and thus accelerated the digitalization of European small and medium-sized companies. In addition to numerous activities aimed at promoting the development of regional DIHs and their offer to European small and medium-sized companies, as part of the DIH-World project, a number of networking events under the umbrella name Community Days were also organized every year in 26 countries across Europe. The charm and purpose of these events was to connect small and medium-sized companies with mid-cap companies and DIHs and thus encourage mutual interaction and cooperation. DIH UM also organized the DIGI-SI Community Days conference every year as part of the project, bringing together companies, supporting institutions, experts from industry and the academic sphere, so that they could exchange good practices and find opportunities for cooperation. Thus, in April 2021, we organized DIGI-SI Community Days on the topic Current situation and opportunities for digitization of the Slovenian […]

First Demystifying Seminar on Blockchain: Use of Blockchain in Business (Tourism, Health, Agri-food, Manufacturing)
On Thursday, June 8, 2023, the first Demystifying seminar on blockchain took place on the topic of using blockchain in business in the fields of tourism, health, agri-food and manufacturing. At the seminar, the head of DIH UM and EDIH DIGI-SI, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamed Turkanović, who is also the founder and head of Blockchain Lab:UM within the Institute of Informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics of the University of Maribor, explained in more detail how blockchain works and in which cases its introduction into business makes sense. The participants of the seminar also learned about examples of good practices of using blockchain in companies and organizations and had the opportunity to ask the lecturer questions in the last part of the seminar. We regularly organize seminars on the topic of demystifying modern technologies. In case you want to learn more about technologies like artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cyber security, internet of things, big data, virtual/augmented reality, robotics and blockchain technology, follow our current seminars here.

EDIH DIGI-SI Community Days: Opening of the European hub for the digital transformation of Slovenia
On Friday, 9. 12. 2022, partners of the EDIH DIGI-SI consortium, policy makers, supporting institutions, companies, researchers and other important stakeholders gathered at the opening EDIH DIGI-SI Community Days conference in the Minoritska cerkev in Maribor. The EDIH DIGI-SI consortium, which began its operations in October of this year, consists of the coordinator the University of Maribor, the Jožef Stefan Institute, ARCTUR, DIGITECH-SI-EAST, Technology Park Ljubljana, Digital Innovation Hub of Slovenia and DIH Agribood run by Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota. The consortium will enable a web of services needed for a comprehensive digitalisation of operations, including planning, consultancy, training, testing equipment, laboratories and top experts. How EDIH DIGI-SI will help companies and public institutions in the introduction of advanced digital technologies was presented in more detail with our partners at Friday’s conference, where we were addressed by Helena Rodrigues from the European Commission, DG CNECT, who highlighted the importance of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in reducing barriers to digital transformation and illustrated how EDIHs fit into the Digital Europe Programme (DEP). The Minister of Digital Transformation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, in her address, emphasized the importance of Slovenia’s digital transformation in recent decades and its promotion […]

EDIH DIGI-SI Community Days: Opening of the European hub for the digital transformation of Slovenia
EDIH DIGI-SI will support 700 companies on their digital transformation journey worth €3,3 million! The partnership of seven experienced organisations in the EDIH DIGI-SI consortium provides support to companies, organisations and public institutions throughout the digitisation value chain in 4 core areas: agri-food, healthcare, manufacturing and tourism. The University of Maribor (coordinator), The Jožef Stefan Institute, ARCTUR, DIGITECH-SI-EAST, Technology Park Ljubljana, Digital Innovation Hub of Slovenia and DIH Agrifood, run by Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota, have put together a web of services needed for a comprehensive digitalisation of operations, including planning, consultancy, training, testing equipment, laboratories and top experts. When in doubt about how to approach the digitisation process in a comprehensive way, it’s time for EDIH DIGI-SI! We invite you to the EDIH DIGI-SI Community Days on Friday 9th December 2022 at 9 am at the Minoritska cerkev, Vojašniški trg 2, Maribor. EDIH DIGI-SI starts its operations with ambitious plans, in the company of the best. Let’s meet, strengthen our collaborations, and find additional digitisation opportunities for the growth and development of your business. Hurry up with your applications, places are limited! The conference, where partners will present ways and services for effective digitisation of all segments of your […]

DIH UM is a certified DIH for Change2Twin
DIH UM is a certified DIH for Change2Twin – a European project that supports manufacturing SMEs in the digitization process by providing Digital Twin solutions! Change2Twin is a European project that supports manufacturing SMEs in the digitization process by providing Digital Twin solutions. The Digital Twin concept is one of the big changes in manufacturing and enables companies to significantly increase their global competitiveness. The project consortium consists of 18 European companies: 9 SMEs, 3 medium-sized companies, one university, one supercomputing center, two research and technology organizations (RTOs) and two associations. The group is divided into ten core partners and eight pilot experiment partners. The partners of the pilot experiment will leave the consortium in the second half of the project, when their activities are completed. The core consortium includes four SME/MidCap companies, TTTech, Jotne, BOC and CloudBroker, which are commercially dealing with IT technologies related to digital twinning. The pilot’s partners have commercial interests in the enhanced digital twin technologies, either as end-users or technology providers. What does Change2Twin offer? The project provides beneficiaries with individual assessments and a ready-made recipe for the introduction of a digital twin. Applicants will choose a DIH to work with in order to […]

Confirmed: The DIGI-SI Consortium Has the Status of EDIH – European Digital Innovation Hub!
At the 59th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in February last year, it was decided, based on the assessments of the interdepartmental expert commission of the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, that the DIGI-SI consortium will also be proposed to the European Commission as the selected national candidate for EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub). Thus, the consortium led by the University of Maribor began intensively preparing for the application at the European level. This year, the DIGI-SI Consortium, with all its efforts, achieved the set goal and gained the status of EDIH, i.e. the European Digital Innovation Hub, for which as many as 331 candidates applied. The DIGI-SI Consortium under the coordination of the University of Maribor, more specifically DIH UM, consists of six partners, namely, Jožef Stefan Institute, DIH Slovenia, Technology Park Ljubljana, Arctur, ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota and TCS – Institute-Center of Slovenian Tool Cluster Celje. The establishment of EDIH is a plan of the European Commission within the Digital Europe Program with the aim of accelerating the digital breakthrough of the European Union and bringing digital technologies closer to businesses, citizens and […]

Successful Event DIGI-SI Community Days 3: Social Impact of Green and Digital Transition
Once again DIH UM has organized DIGI-SI Community Days as part of the project DIH-World! On 13 May, we met with partners and companies to reflect together on the social impact of green and digital transition. First we heard something about the experiments that were conducted as part of DIH-World, as DIHEALTHDAY.SI presented to us smart-nano technology for improving the food production ecosystem, while DIH4IJS presented the cooperation between IJS and Senso4s d.o.o. With the keynote speaker, assoc. prof. dr. Dan Podjed, we learned about “Homo covidensis”, as dr. Podjed calls the man in Covid times, who in the age of digital and green transition of the world is also experiencing its own transformation. The DIH UM team also revealed some funding opportunities with the AI REGIO and ADMA TranS4MErs projects and presented the DIH-World’s second open call, which has been underway since April 2022. After the Head of DIH UM and DIGI-SI, assoc. prof. dr. Muhamed Turkanović concluded the official part of the program with closing thoughts, partners and companies came together and exchanged a variety of ideas and concepts. DIH UM team at DIGI-SI Community Days 3 You can see some snapshots from the event in the […]

Mariborski vodovod and the University of Maribor with Artificial Intelligence to Detect Water Leakages
Did you know that Mariborski vodovod and the University of Maribor are cooperating within the AI REGIO project, in which they are monitoring the water consumption of the main water supplier of the Vzhodna Slovenija region with an experiment? The experiment is intended to detect possible water leakage from the pipe network with a modern sensor network system developed by Mariborski vodovod. Because the data obtained by the flow sensor is written to the database without proper reasoning, artificial intelligence will be used for this purpose. The experiment aims at three main goals: automatically estimate wet zones in the water pipe network using remote sensing data; compare the results with the water consumption of the network; build up AI based reasoning to detect water leakage using satellite remote sensing data and the ground data (source: AI REGIO Newsletter). For the purpose of monitoring water leakage, the advantages of water flow meters installed over the entire water supply network and the concept of estimating soil moisture using remote sensing data were used. Nevertheless, challenges have emerged in implementing this approach, namely the facts that water consumption is measured by flow meters; that water leakage can be detected using ratio between income […]

The First pan-European Master of Science (MSc) Programme in High Performance Computing (HPC)
From February, students have the opportunity to apply for EUMaster4HPC, the first pan-European Master’s program in High Performance Computing (HPC). The Master’s program is funded by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking with the aim of linking academic excellence with current and future challenges of European companies, industry and the public sector in the multidisciplinary field of HPC. (Source: European Commission) From September 2022, the first group of 50 students will study at the EUMaster4HPC program at eight European universities: University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), Sorbonne Université (France), Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland), Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (Sweden). “By bringing together major players in HPC education in Europe, EUMaster4HPC will offer the most talented students a coordinated pan-European curriculum at the frontier of digital technology in areas such as the design, deployment, operation, and/or the use of current and future generation HPC and HPC-related technologies in Europe.” (Source: European Commission) You can find out more about the new master’s study program and application at the following links: (Source:

The Deadline for Paper Submission for the Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting Has Been Extended!
Everyone who is interested in participating in the Austrian-Slovenian HPC conference still has the opportunity to submit their contribution by March 13, 2022! The Austrian-Slovenian meeting HPC 2022 – ASHPC22 will take place at the Seeblickhotel Grundlsee (Austria) from 31 May to 2 June 2022, and those interested will have the opportunity to follow the event online, as the event will be hybrid! The ASHPC22 meeting will be preceded by a EuroHPC Access and Hands-On workshop on 31 May 2022 at the Seeblickhotel Grundlsee (Austria) to discuss the benefits of the new European HPC systems. The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is currently building a world-class supercomputer ecosystem in Europe (consisting of five petascale and three predexascale systems). At the workshop we will be able to learn more about organizational decision-making, the application process and the end-user applications. ASHPC22 & EuroHPC Access and Hands-On workshop are organized by EuroCC Austria – National Competence Centre for Supercomputing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Austria and EuroCC Slovenia in cooperation with the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), Austria; the Research Area Scientific Computing in Innsbruck, Austria; the Institute of Information Science in Maribor (IZUM), Slovenia and the Slovenian consortium for high-performance computing (SLING). You can find out more about the […]

Digitalisation of energy: best practices for data sharing
Source: European Commission The European Commission is preparing an action plan on digitalising the energy sector, in order to develop an efficient, competitive market for a digital energy infrastructure and digital energy services that are both cyber-secure and sustainable. Aiming to gather support from stakeholders and other Commission services on its work in the energy sector, the Commission set up a workshop on best practices for energy data sharing that took place on 16 February 2022. This was the first of a six-part series of workshops on the digitalisation of the energy system, co-organised by the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER) and the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT), and discussed the potential of energy in the context of the digitisation of our economy and society. The following event took place on 18 February, covering efficient integration of electric vehicles to the electricity system and data sharing framework. The twin green and digital transition calls for a better-functioning, smart, integrated and interconnected energy system, where new business models can emerge in a fast-changing market. The July 2020 Communication on powering a climate-neutral economy proposed the adoption of a system-wide Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan as one of the […]

The European Commission has published an overview of blockchain projects
Source: European Commission In recent years, the European Commission has been active in exploring research and funding needs related to blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT). This is an attempt to take stock of ongoing and ready-to-start European projects and pilots related to blockchain and DLT across Europe. EU funded projects Regarding research and innovation, the Commission, in particular through the Horizon 2020 programme, has funded several EU projects in which blockchain and DLT contribute to the emergence of new paradigms of trust as well as societal, technical and infrastructural solutions. An example of the Horizon 2020 funded projects is the European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) action, which received a total of 7 million euros funding from the EC. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funds the deployment of the EU’s blockchain service infrastructure (EBSI), including the use cases agreed under the EU Blockchain Partnership (EBP). The EBP consists of 27 EU Member States, Norway and Liechtenstein. In 2019, the European Investment Fund (EIF) launched with the support of the European Commission, an AI and blockchain investment scheme to increase tech funding in Europe. EUR 100 million were made available to venture capitals supporting relevant technologies. The scheme was very successful […]

Get to know supercomputing and enter the digital future!
Get to know supercomputing and enter the digital future! How? Attend free workshops and seminars. Advantages? Access to modern supercomputer centers in Slovenia. Professional assistance in the use of software and infrastructure. Acquisition of useful knowledge and professional competencies. Collaboration with academic and industrial researchers and engineers. The HPC National Competence Center, which operates within the Slovenian National Supercomputer Network SLING, promotes the use of supercomputer capabilities for research and scientific and industrial research. The following workshops and seminars (SLING Education) will be held in the coming months: February 9-11: Workshop: HPC and FEM: Commercial Software, February 15-16: Workshop: Kubernetes, February 28: Course: Learning from data for HPC, March 2-4: Workshop: Supercomputing a little more real, March 3 – 4: Course: Big Data analysis with Hadoop and RHadoop, March 10: Seminar: Virtualization and containers under cover, March 22-23: Workshop: Let’s count on all cores, April 5-7: Workshop: Programming of graphic process units, April 20-21: Workshop: Fundamentals of Supercomputing The number of vacancies to attend the workshops that need to be registered is limited! They are also preparing free trainings and other trainings, which cover both the basics of HPC literacy and the use of technology in specific areas of application.

Apply NOW! Calls for proposals in advanced digital skills
Source: Digital Europe Programme On 17 November 2021, following the adoption of the Work Programmes, the European Commission announced the first set of calls for proposals under the Digital Europe Programme, among which three calls on Advanced Digital Skills. The calls are open to businesses, organisations, public administrations from the EU Member States, and entities from other countries associated to the Digital Europe Programme. The three calls are the following: Specialised Masters and education programmes in key capacity areas: to support the design and delivery of specialised Master programmes and traineeships for the future experts in key areas, like data and AI, cybersecurity, quantum and HPC Advanced digital skills analysis: to support the rollout of initiatives for advanced digital skills development and design relevant and high-quality learning opportunities Preparatory actions for the data space for skills: to set up a true European data space and facilitate safe access to and storage of large datasets, with an energy efficient cloud infrastructure. Questions and answers about the 3 above mentioned calls can be found on the official Funding & Tender Portal. These pages will be regularly updated: Q&A for Specialised Masters and education programmes in key capacity areas (DIGITAL-2021-SKILLS-01-SPECIALISED) Q&A for Advanced digital skills analysis (DIGITAL-2021-SKILLS-01-ANALYSIS) Q&A for […]

Free training in programming on NVIDIA graphics cards
Free training in programming on NVIDIA graphics cards took place at HPC Vega from 10 to 11 February. If you are interested in the topic, you are invited to attend the training. Basic experience with the C / C ++ or Fortran programming language is required, while no prior knowledge of programming on graphics cards is required. Please also inform your colleagues about the event if you think they would be interested in the topic. More about the event can be found at or

ASHPC22 – Austrian-Slovenian meeting HPC 2022 – submit your contributions
We invite you to attend the ASHPC22 meeting, which will take place at the Seeblickhotel Grundlsee (Austria), 31 May – 2 June 2022, and online participation in the event will also be possible. Submission of abstracts for received lectures and posters for ASHPC22 is open. Submit summaries of your work and expertise in high-performance computing (HPC). Specifically, this may include HPC applications, HPC cluster research, systems engineering (storage, software, network, etc.), and any other HPC-related topic. Link to abstract submission: The deadline for submitting the abstract is January 16, 2022, and you will receive notification of acceptance by February 16, 2022. We look forward to your contributions! For more information and updates, visit:

EC has introduced a new tool for self-assessment of digital skills
On 10 December 2021, the European Commission launched a new tool for self-assessment of digital skills, which allows citizens to test their digital skills themselves and access training that meets their needs. The tool is available on the EU’s platform for Digital Skills and Jobs and Europass in all 24 official EU languages. The free test, based on the Digital Competence Framework, covers information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, security and problem solving. The platform is supported by the Connecting Europe Facility, provides information and resources on digital skills, as well as training and funding opportunities. Give it a try yourself.

The 2nd annual conference of the DIGI-SI consortium is behind us
The annual conference of the EDIH nominated consortium DIGI-SI took place on Friday, where the partners presented the upcoming tenders, programs and best practices in the field of digitalization. Digitization and related technologies are increasingly shaping our lives, so their integration into the economy and public administration is becoming increasingly important. More and more industrial companies are looking to the concept of Industry 4.0 and service companies to digital transformation. The central idea of digital transformation is to change business processes in organizations in such a way that they are as much as possible supported and automated with the help of digital technologies, which is even more pronounced in the current situation. In the field of digitalisation, the European Commission has set up a Digital Europe Program with a budget of € 7.6 billion to promote the digital transformation of European society. Representatives of the consortium presented the areas of digitalization of tourism, health, agriculture, smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence, cyber security and digital competencies and business models. However, they will not bypass the topic, which is very important for at least most companies, the presentation of upcoming tenders and programs, this co-financing of digital transformation projects. The audience addressed him. […]

The first calls under the Digital Europe Program have been published
In the field of digitalisation, the European Commission has set up a Digital Europe Program with a budget of € 7.6 billion to promote the digital transformation of European society. Last week, the commission published the first set of calls in various thematic areas: from the field of artificial intelligence and cloud infrastructure, to the field of advanced digital skills. Within the Digital Europe program, three work programs are currently launched (core work program, cyber security work program and European Hubs for Digital Innovation work program), totaling € 2 billion. The first seven calls under these three programs have been published: tender in the field of cloud data and artificial intelligence (Cloud Data and TEF); tender in the field of introduction and efficient use of digital capabilities and interoperability (Accelerating best use of technologies); tender in the field of confidence building and digital transformation; tender in the field of preparatory activities for the establishment of data spaces (Preparatory actions for Data Spaces); tender in the field of Secure Quantum Communication Infrastructure; tender in the field of Advanced Digital Skills and a call for tenders for the establishment of European Digital Innovation Hubs.

DIH UM now also on the BOWI Marketplace
The BOWI project is looking for the best solutions for DIH cooperation in the form of technology transfer experiments. During the experiments, it will connect established and developing DIH with SMEs that require concrete solutions for digitization. The business model, which is the core of DIH’s cooperation, will lay the foundation for the BOWI network. The BOWI project is in line with the European Commission’s Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative, which aims to support European companies in finding advanced digitization solutions and should be available to any company, regardless of its location. Key elements of the SAE initiative are digital innovation hubs (DIH) – all in one place for companies looking to improve their business or services with digital solutions. DIHs bring together companies that offer state-of-the-art solutions and take on the challenge of finding answers to complex problems. Within the project, 2 sets of experiments will be carried out to test and improve the business model of DIH cooperation. The first phase will include nodes from the project consortium, while the extended phase will include newly attracted DIHs to validate the findings of Phase 1. The confirmed and approved DIH cooperation solution will be used as the basis for […]

Slovenia advances on Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) summarizes Europe’s digital performance indicators and monitors the progress of EU countries. The latest DESI 2021 report (Digital Economy and Society Index) shows that Slovenia has made significant progress and is ranked 13th, which is the highest place so far. “Recent data from the DESI index – the 2021 Digital Economy and Society Index – reveal that our work has borne fruit in recent years. Slovenia has gained three places in the overall ranking of the index, which measures the digital progress of the member states, since last year and advanced to a total of 13th place among the 27 EU member states. Particularly noticeable progress was made in the area of connectivity, where we contributed to excellent results with our measures for the construction of broadband networks (GOŠO) and the auction of 5G frequency bands, which was conducted by the Agency for Communication Networks and Services in April. The increase in the number of users of e-government services is also gratifying, reaching 77% of all Internet users last year, which was more than 10% higher than the EU average. We have also been excellent in the field of open data for several […]

ADMA TranS4MErs: Advanced Manufacturing Assistance and Training for SME Transformation
ADMA TranS4MErs: Advanced Manufacturing Assistance and Training for SME Transformation A project supporting the transformation of 1,000+ manufacturing SMEs to become ‘Factories of the Future’ embracing the ecological, digital, and societal challenges across Europe by 2025. The well-established technology centre Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR), will lead a new, 38 partner, EU funded research project, amplifying pan-European advanced manufacturing assistance and training for SMEs during the next three years. The ADMA TranS4MErs project will reinforce the competitiveness of manufacturing SMEs by providing fast, flexible, pan-European access to advanced manufacturing advice and expertise, as well as training, drawing on expertise contained within the consortium of partners representing all EU-27 member states. Lise-Ann Sheahan and Peter Purcell have led the coordination of a project valued at over €5.6 million from the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises work programme, building on the effort of European Advanced Manufacturing (ADMA) Support Centre. “31 proposals were submitted to the Horizon 2020 INNOSUP-08-2020 call for proposals resulting in one winning bid, ADMA TranS4MErs, demonstrating how national investment in manufacturing research leverages success in international projects for the benefit of the Irish and European industry” Sean Burke, National Delegate and Contact Point, […]

Seal-Mart d.o.o. with the help of DIH UM up to € 112,000
We are proud that our client, Seal-Mart d.o.o., has successfully raised funds for the digital transformation of the warehouse with our help. The company turned to DIH UM with its challenge, where we advised them in choosing a suitable tender and offered support in preparing project documentation for applying to the DIH WORLD 1st Open Call. The company was successful in the tender and thus obtained funds in the amount of € 112,000 for the E-COMMERCE WAREHOUSE SYSTEM FOR A SMART PRODUCTION COMPANY. With the help of the obtained funds, the company will take an important step towards the digitalization of its most pressing challenge – the digitalization of the warehouse – through three separate but closely related stages of operation: 1. inventory control via bar code; 2. implementation of the innovative Paternoster system for small and fast-turning products; and 3. Establishing e-commerce for global sales. DIH UM will participate in the project as a connecting link that will help the company in establishing long-term cooperation with DIH BLUE (Split, Croatia) and entering the Croatian market as well as in the proper implementation of new technologies in the company. ABOUT THE COMPANY Seal-Mart […]

Slovenia and the EU on the way to the safe use of artificial intelligence
As part of its presidency of the Council of the EU, the Ministry of Public Administration, together with the European Commission, organized a high-level conference on artificial intelligence, where we could listen to how we will live and tackle artificial intelligence in the future. Participants discussed the European Artificial Intelligence Package adopted in April this year. The package contains proposals and guidelines on how to develop, introduce and regulate the use of ethical and trustworthy artificial intelligence in Europe in a human-centered way, ensuring that it is built and used for the benefit of the individual and society striving for democratic values, the rule of law and human rights. In his opening address to the conference, Minister of Public Administration Boštjan Koritnik emphasized that the field of artificial intelligence is a priority of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. “We want to stimulate discussions on how to properly regulate this area and support the future development of artificial intelligence in a sustainable way. We are dealing with a relatively unknown field and only broad participation in an open debate can lead us forward in understanding the possible effects of different decisions for the future. That is why […]

How can digitization contribute to more effective nature conservation?
Slovenia has all the resources to become environmentally and sustainably excellent and to provide current and future generations with a quality life, taking into account the planet’s capabilities. Can digitalisation make a significant contribution to achieving nature protection goals? We usually think of digitalisation as a way, we associate digitization with the progress of technologies, but we do not introduce them solely because they are new, but because they solve real problems. At the same time, we must be aware that the process of digitization raises other social issues. How does the emergence and management of new technologies, a comprehensive understanding of the consequences of their use, and last but not least, the exponential increase in energy and rare raw material needs for the construction of various devices and the consequent overexploitation of our planet affect it? This is also digitalisation, so it is important that we also actively seek answers to these dilemmas. Watch a video of the event: LINK TO VIDEO

Digitization and related technologies are increasingly shaping our lives. They are changing the way we work, shop, communicate and spend our free time. With the role of technology in our daily lives, the integration of these into the economy and public administration is becoming increasingly important for the entire country. In business circles, more and more industrial companies are turning to the concept of Industry 4.0 and service companies to the digital transformation. The central idea of digital transformation is to change business processes in organizations in such a way that they are as much as possible supported and automated with the help of digital technologies. The need to promote the digital and technological transformation of the economy became even clearer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies in Slovenia have already started digitalizing their operations, but the number is still too low. According to the DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index), Slovenia is below the average of the European Union (EU) in 16th place, and has even fallen behind in recent years. Of the four areas assessed by DESI, Slovenia performed even worse in the use of Internet services, followed by the integration of digital technologies. For the EU, the […]

To the Digital Center of Slovenia – See Innovative Solutions or New Knowledge
Digital center of Slovenia is the central economic event of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, which enables companies to present innovative and technologically advanced solutions, products and / or services. In addition to presentation work, it offers visitors lectures, trainings, conferences, workshops, hackathons, business meetings, networking and guest appearances. How well do you know the innovative products of Slovenian companies? Every week until the end of 2021, the Digital Center of Slovenia will host innovative Slovenian companies! They will be hosted by the Festival of Solutions, a weekly event where you will be able to get to know their innovative products/services or solutions, as they will be summarized within short and concise presentations. By the end of the year and the end of Slovenia’s presidency of the Council of the EU, more than 200 companies will line up in the Digital Center of Slovenia. Do you want to get to know them in more detail? Visit the Digital Center of Slovenia or connect with them in a virtual environment. I want to meet the exhibitors! Get new knowledge at the Digital Center of Slovenia! In 6 months, the Digital Center offers more than 80 events with […]

DIH UM Successfully Gained Another Project
We got another project! It is an ADMA TranS4MErs project. ADMA TranS4MErs will accelerate the development of factories to become ‘Factories of the Future‘ which will meet ecological, digital and social challenges. This will be possible through a clever combination of different approaches such as the establishment of a community platform, development of toolboxes, virtual and physical training activities, assistance programs, tailored training content in all relevant technological areas and a range of different applications. All these services will support SMEs on the path of transformation. The consortium is equipped with all the necessary experience and expertise and has a wide geographical reach enables us to provide services either on the doorstep or on screen.

DIH UM Introduced Itself at the Conference ASHPC21
From Monday to Wednesday, the first Austrian-Slovenian meeting of HPC – ASHPC21 which was co-organized by IZUM took place. The meeting was attended by almost 200 participants from 19 countries, who could follow more than 40 different presentations. The meeting focused on recent developments and trends regarding efficient and effective high-performance computing applications (HPC). At the ASHPC21 conference, the Digital Innovation Hub of the University of Maribor presented its mission and services, as well as some of the most resonant technologies of UM researchers. DIH UM_ASHPC21_presentation Do you want us to include your technology in the presentation in the future? DIH UM_predstavitev tehnologije_NASLOV TEHNOLOGIJE Enter information about your technology in the attached template and we will include it in our presentation. Send the finished proposals to or

Watch the OPSI HUB workshop – Harnessing the power of open data
In cooperation with OPSI HUB Slovenije DIH UM organized a workshop focusing on good practices in the field of open data. A video is available for all those of you who missed it. The event which was held on the 31st of May was primarily directed towards all those who encounter open data issues in their research and seek advice on personal data protection as well as topics related to the GDPR. Watch the video: MSc Andrej Tomšič, the Deputy Information Commissioner, kicked-off the event with his presentation on the protection of personal data and the role of GDPR in the reuse of data. Following the presentation MSc Aleš Veršič from the Ministry of Public Administration talked about examples of good practice in the field of open data and dr. Monika Cvetkov from the Ljubljana Technology Park, introduced the participants to the Odeon and Deas projects. The workshop was also supported by doc. dr. Muhamed Turkanović, head of DIH UM and the DIGI-SI consortium, who delivered a welcome speech at the beginning of the event.

The government has adopted a national program to promote the development and use of artificial intelligence until 2025
The government has adopted a national program to promote the development and use of artificial intelligence in the period until 2025 fulfilling its commitment to prepare a national strategic document focusing on artificial intelligence. It has appointed the Ministry of Public Administration (MPA) to coordinate the implementation and monitoring of measures set out in the program. In collaboration with all ministries the MPA must prepare a plan for the implementation of individual measures as well as for financing and defining financial resources within six. These have to be in accordance with the envisioned amount of funding allocated for these measures within the adopted national program. Furthermore, the government instructed the ministries to include or take into account the planned measures of the national program in their strategic orientations and documents, and to plan and provide adequate funds for their implementation in accordance with their financial capabilities. With the adoption of the national program for the promotion of the development and use of artificial intelligence in Slovenia until 2025, the commitment to prepare a national strategic document focusing on artificial intelligence is being fulfilled. For successful cooperation, Slovenia must create a set of coherent support measures, increase financial support, ensure uniformly […]

The head of DIH UM and DIGI-SI consortium among the members of the Strategic Council for Digitalization
The Strategic Council for Digitalisation which acts as an advisory body to the Prime Minister has been established. It will prepare a framework proposal for the necessary systemic changes aiming to accelerate the digitalisation of the Slovenian economy within five months. At the correspondence session the Government was informed about the establishment and appointment of the Strategic Council for Digitalisation which acts as an advisory body to the Prime Minister. Its tasks which should be accomplished within five months include the preparation of a framework proposal of the necessary systemic changes to accelerate the digitalisation of the Slovenian economy, public sector, state administration and society as a whole; prepare opinions and proposals for the Prime Minister regarding the strategy for the development of artificial intelligence, cyber security and other areas of the world work; monitoring the implementation of strategies, plans and measures in the field of digitalization (Digital Slovenia, Public Administration Development Strategy …); global development of digital technologies and preparation of strategic guidelines; and to create proposals for the Prime Minister concerning concrete measures and legal acts in the field of digitalization. “We have set up a Strategic Council for Digitalization. In the past major changes were brought about […]

Digitization is no longer a competitive advantage; it is becoming an essential competence
In a post-Covid world companies which strive for business excellence and success must address the digital transformation along with diversity and inclusiveness issues. This does not hold true only for big and well-established companies but startups and scaleups as well. The acceleration of the digitalization of business and everyday life is not the only consequence of the Corona crisis, however, it is the most visible systemic change. In fact, substantial changes influencing diverse aspects of business have taken place in the past year. COVID-19 played the role of an invisible accelerator and in many respects, it finally led the business environment into the 21st century. The pandemic has completely shuffled the cards in some areas, slightly less in others, but it cannot be denied that it had and still has far-reaching consequences. According to Dan Helfrich, the director of the consulting firm Deloitte Consulting many deep-seated beliefs of the past are no longer valid. Moreover, he has perfectly summarized four important changes in the business mindset of the post Covid world. Read the whole article (Slovene) (The original article was published on the webpage)

The transparency of blockchain technology is transforming sustainability criteria into competitive factors
Although globalization has created many benefits for clients and producers alike it has also brought about new challenges. Prominent examples of bad practice which resonate with socially conscious customers include the exploitation of cheap labour and decreased transparency in food supply chains, with producers misusing various ‘fair trade’ brands and branding. A big part of the world has vowed to pursue the United Nations (UN) sustainability goals. Nowadays many technology companies are looking into potential solutions which could increase transparency in this area, with blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies seen as potential answers to this problem. While many have known blockchain primarily as the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrencies which are in turn tightly connected to speculative investment schemes, the future holds new valuable applications of blockchain. There are many indications that blockchain technology will revolutionize the sustainable production and sale of food as well. As part of Podim DX Leanne Kemp, CEO of Everledger and co-chair of the World Economic Forum on the future of manufacturing, will reveal how traceability, trust and new technologies are linked to sustainability goals. Read the whole article (Slovene) (The original article was published on the webpage)

Brussels is proposing the first European legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence
The European Commission has proposed the first European legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence, which would increase the security and protect the rights of people and businesses, while encouraging investment in technological development and innovation. The proposal also includes a ban on the use of artificial intelligence in certain cases and financial penalties for rule violations. Artificial intelligence has been used for decades; however, technological advancements have led to the development of new capabilities and diversification of its uses. While this has opened up many opportunities in diverse fields such as health, transport, energy, agriculture, tourism or cyber security, it has increased the risks associated with its use as well. In her the presentation of the legislative proposal Margrethe Vestager, executive vice president of the digital affairs commission, pointed out that it is necessary to create synergies between ecosystems of trust and excellence to ensure efficient and safe use of artificial intelligence. The aim of the proposal is to close the current gap between EU and the US, along with China, in the field of digital technologies. The commission’s proposal is based on the premise that artificial intelligence is a means, not an end in itself. Therefore, the […]

With the Vega Supercomputer Towards Global Computing Superpower
Supercomputer Vega was formally launched in Maribor. Constructed as part of the project “Upgrading national research infrastructures” (HPC RIVR) it was named after the mathematician Jurij Vega and is located in the premises of the Institute of Information Sciences Maribor (Izum). According to the Vice-Rector of the University of Maribor, Zoran Ren, it ranks Slovenia among the world’s superpowers in terms of computing power, and enables Slovenian and European scientists to make exceptional discoveries. According to the Vice-Rector of the University of Maribor, Zoran Ren, the Vega supercomputer which was officially launched in Maribor today ranks Slovenia among the world’s superpowers in terms of computing power and enables Slovenian and European scientists to make exceptional discoveries. Prime Minister Janez Janša highlighted the contribution of such systems to the search for covid-19 vaccines. The most powerful supercomputer in Slovenia to date is the result of the partnership between the project “Upgrading national research infrastructures” (HPC RIVR) and the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC) initiative. It is located in the premises of the Institute of Information Sciences Maribor (Izum). According to the director of Izum, dr. Aleš Bošnjak, it is one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe and the world. […]

Digitalization opportunities for the Slovenian economy within the new financial perspective 2021-2027
Within the Digital Europe Program (DEP), the European Commission has envisioned the establishment of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) which will help promote and advance the digital transformation of the economy and the public sector. EDIH’s will focus on the introduction of new approaches, processes, and procedures aided by advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, super-computing (HPC) and cyber security. The consortium DIGI-SI, which is coordinated by the University of Maribor and DIH UM in particular, is one of the Slovenian national candidates for EDIH. Among other services offered to companies, it provides support to businesses who wish to experiment and test their digital solution (especially those related to the Industry 4.0 and 5.0), learn more about the possibilities for collaboration with researchers or other firms in the region, get to know good practice examples from around Europe, enhance their knowledge and competencies, or require expert advice on the process of digital transformation itself. During the DIGI-SI online event, which took place on the 15th of April 2021 on the MS Teams platform, 90 participants got together with representatives of the European Commission, the pan-European initiative DIHNET / FUNDINGBOX, MGRT, MPA, SPIRIT Slovenia, SPS and GZS. During the event attendees […]

Did you know that supercomputers help create materials that will improve the quality of your life?
To answer this question, we knocked on the door of science, and assistant professor dr. Nejc Novak and young researcher Anja Mauko from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor answered. With the help of supercomputers Nejc and Anja process vast quantities of data, a process which enables the development of new materials such as advanced cellular matter. In the future, we will be able to use these materials to improve car safety, the efficiency of medical devices and produce more comfortable clothing. For their work Nejc and Anja use the HPC RIVR supercomputer systems, which are financed by the European Regional Development Fund and ???????? With supercomputer systems such as the HPC RIVR, the European Union supports the development of innovative supercomputer technologies in order to improve the quality of life, promote scientific work, increase economic competitiveness and ensure Europe’s technological independence. Evrope. FIND OUT MORE

What can a supercomputer do?
To answer this question, we knocked on the door of science, and Katarina Kores, Jana Herzog and Blaž Kamenik from the University of Maribor opened it for us. These doctoral students are performing millions of complex calculations with supercomputers. And what is the outcome of these calculations? Medicines with fewer side effects, more efficient drug production, and improved algorithms that improve the efficiency of the search engines we all use on a daily basis. In their work Katarina, Jana and Blaž use HPC RIVR supercomputer systems, which are financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. With supercomputer systems such as the HPC RIVR, the European Union supports the development of innovative supercomputer technologies to improve the quality of life, promote scientific work, increase economic competitiveness, and ensure Europe’s technological independence. FIND OUT MORE

IT IS FINALLY HERE! The most powerful public supercomputer in Slovenia!
HPC RIVR enables Slovenian researchers and industry to take advantage of the newest supercomputer technology, therefore, significantly increasing Slovenia’s competitiveness not only on international markets but in the scientific sphere as well. The equipment developed within the HPC RIVR adds Slovenia to the list of countries which have developed supercomputer technology. Unlike traditional HPC centres primarily dedicated to intensive computing, the HPC RIVR enables the processing of large datasets, fast exchange with other computing centres and computations using modern GPUs. With the formal event the project “Upgrade of national research infrastructures – HPC RIVR” which led to the development of a national supercomputer centre ,and resulted in the creation of the most powerful public supercomputer in Slovenia, is nearing completion. In his address prof. dr. Zdravko Kačič, the Chancellor of the University of Maribor, pointed out: ”Just as we were looking forward to the symbolic launch of the HPC RIVR prototype supercomputer a year and a half ago, we are now looking forward to the fact that the equipment developed in the HPC RIVR project firmly positioned Slovenia among countries with developed supercomputer technology, and within the Top500 among the top 100 largest supercomputers in the world… The all-Slovenian HPC […]

Digital healthcare in Slovenia
The digitalization of the healthcare sector is a big challenge. Difficulties are not limited only to the application of digital tools or found exclusively in the Slovene national context; however, a digital transformation could help remedy many of the current downsides of the system. For instance, it could be an opportunity to increase the efficiency of the entire healthcare system, to improve patient treatment outcomes, to ensure long-term financial sustainability, to maintain the achieved high level of healthcare and its accessibility to all residents. Every stakeholder within the ecosystem should benefit from a successful digital transformation. Due to the Sars-Cov-2 epidemic and its’ profound impact on the health care system many medical doctors had to reconsider the use and accept digital solutions for the first time. The widespread introduction of telemedicine at the national level offers an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of other technologies as well: personalized medicine, payment according to the results of treatment, artificial intelligence, and others. While only the Ministry of Health can be on the forefront of the digital transformation, there are at least a few necessary preconditions which can influence its success: the participation of all stakeholders in the health ecosystem as well as […]

Present your work at the Digital Exhibition fair held during Slovenia’s presidency of the EU Council
During this year’s Presidency of the Republic of Slovenia of the EU Council, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, SPIRIT Slovenia, the Digital Innovation Hub of Slovenia (DIH Slovenije) and the company BTC d.d. are preparing the project “Digital Exhibition Center – Technology for People”. Through DIH UM as the coordinator of the DIGI-SI consortium the University of Maribor has been invited to participate in the above-mentioned project, which will take place between 1 July 2021 and 31 December 2021 in BTC City Ljubljana. We would like to involve the wider university community and interested experts to participate in the shaping of the cooperation proposal. In the coming days, until Friday the 26th of March, DIH UM will be collecting proposals for events submitted by employees of the University of Maribor. In Annex 1 you can find general guidelines for designing a 6-month program of events. The thematic areas of the project include: AI, 5G and cyber security, Sustainable society and economy, Smart cities and communities, Digitization, Industry 4.0. in robotics. We ask all interested researchers to include information on the type of event and the extent to which it could be carried out (eg the organization of all […]

Digital Euro – The Future of Payments?
The Bank of Slovenia has organized the round table discussion “Digital Euro – the future of payments?” which was attended by dr. Boštjan Kežmah, a senior lecturer from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In recent years digitalisation has significantly affected financial services and the payment industry. Consequently, the Bank of Slovenia has shifted its’ attention and efforts towards research and development of central bank digital currencies. These could represent the next step in the evolution of currency and money. The aim of yesterday’s event was to discuss the challenges and opportunities that the potential circulation of the digital euro would bring to Slovenian stakeholders. In the introductory presentation of Simon Anko, Director of the Payment and Settlement Systems Department at the Bank of Slovenia, the participants were acquainted with the current state of the Eurosystem’s activities in the field of the digital euro. The key part of the event was a round table, which was attended by a representative of the Bank of Slovenia and representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Consumers’ Association of Slovenia, Bankart d. o. o., Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia and dr. Boštjan Kežmah. The discussion was moderated by Igor E. Bergant. The […]

EIC – Opening ceremony and presentation of funding opportunities for researchers and companies
We invite you to attend the opening ceremony of the European Innovation Council, which will take place on Thursday, March 18, 2021 between 9: 30-11: 30. This will be followed with an EIC applicant’s day: Friday 19th of March 2021 (9.30 – 16.30 CET) to provide detailed presentations and Q&A on the main calls for proposals. Along with statements from Heads of States and EU institutions, the launch ceremony will feature short sessions focusing on the contribution of the EIC to Europe’s economic recovery and the role of technological breakthroughs in the pursuit of its strategic goals. The event will be webstreamed live on Youtube and no registration is necessary. More information on EIC can be found in the attached files (Factsheet, EIC Launch FAQ). A short summary of the benefits for researchers, businesses, investors and corporations is provided below. EIC – The third pillar of the Horizon Europe program for businesses, researchers, investors and corporations Within the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan The European Innovation Council is part of the third prillar which focuses on innovation initiatives.The EIC is a key novelty of Horizon Europe and represents the most ambitious innovation initiative that Europe has taken, with a budget of […]

Temporary closure of public call – Digital Marketing Voucher
In accordance with point 7 of the public call, we are announcing the temporary closure of the Public call for the Digital Marketing Voucher, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 21/21 of 12 February 2021. Find out more

DIGI-SI consortium confirmed as a national candidate for EDIH
At its 59th regular session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia was informed about the selection of candidates who applied for the open call for European digital innovation hubs (EDIH). Based on the assessments of the interdepartmental expert commission of the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, the DIGI-SI consortium was selected as one of the national candidates for EDIH which will proceed to the second phase of evaluation. Alongside DIH UM (coordinator) the DIGI-SI consortium consists of DIH Slovenia, the Jožef Štefan Institute, Technology Park Ljubljana, Arctur and DIH Agrifood. European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) play a key role within the Digital Europe Program (DEP) proposed by The European Commission. EDIHs will function as a single point of contact that will help companies respond to different digital challenges and become more competitive. By providing access to technical expertise and experimentation as well as the possibility to “test before invest”, EDIHs help companies improve business/production processes, products, or services using digital technologies. They also provide innovation services, such as financing advice, training, and skills development that are needed for a successful digital transformation. Environmental issues are also taken into account, in particular with […]

Digitization vouchers are available again
The Slovenian Enterprise Fund (SPS) has reopened public calls for digitalization vouchers for small and medium-sized enterprises. Smaller incentives promoting digitalisation will be provided to companies with up to € 9,999 in grants for various business services. Available incentives are: voucher for raising digital competencies, digital marketing vouchers, vouchers for the preparation of a digital strategy, cyber security voucher. Public calls are published on the SPS website, however, we have prepared a short list of highlights and an overview of changes included this year’s call. What is new in the voucher for raising digital competencies: The beneficiary must submit a training announcement (on-site and on-line) at least five (5) days before the start of the training. The beneficiary of the training (on-site and online) has to announce it via the link HERE. The selected external training provider is obliged to prepare a report on the completed training after each completed training. The report form will be published on the DIH Slovenia website, HERE. Within 5 working days after the completion of the training, the applicant has to send the following documents to the e-mail address training report attendance list a photo from the training, screenshot of the training (in […]

First AI REGIO Newsletter has been published
In the first edition of AI REGIO news, you will can find out everything about the EDIH 2021 conference, the new AI4EU call, you can watch videos from the Connected Factories 2 cybersecurity workshop, and listen to an informative TED Talk on Machine Learning and Teamwork. Furthermore, the project partners are inviting you to visit the new AI REGIO project website. Spletna stran projekta Preberi novice

Head of DIH UM receives Award for outstanding achievements, accomplishments and merits in the field of scientific research and education
Head of DIH UM doc. dr. Muhamed Turkanović received the University of Maribor Award for outstanding achievements, accomplishments and merits in the field of scientific research and education. With his work and outstanding results in the field of blockchain technology, doc. dr. Muhamed Turkanović has made an important contribution to the development and reputation of the University of Maribor which has also established itself internationally as a an institution with high knowledge and research potential in the field of blockchain technology. Doc. dr. Muhamed Turkanović is the leader of the Blockchain Lab: UM group, which operates at the Institute of Informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (UM). One of the most important products developed as a results of the research and development work of the group under his leadership is the EduCTX platform. Moreover, Dr. Turkanović is the coordinator of two international projects: the Interreg Alpine Space Smart Villages and the H2020 project DE4A Digital Europe for All. He is also the head of DIH (Digital Innovation Hub) at UM. In addition to his outstanding bibliography, which includes publications in prestige scientific journals, he gives invited lectures at international conferences, cooperates with industry partners, and successfully […]

Promotion of Slovenian AI solutions in international environments
The Ministry of Public Administration is cooperating with the AI4SI initiative to assist in the preparation of a list of existing projects / solutions associated with the introduction of AI in Slovenia. The ministry would like to gain an overview of AI based solutions only; information on more general IT related projects are not being collected. In the list it is also possible to enter projects taking place in diverse fields and it is not mandatory to be involved in the project itself to complete the entry. The AI4SI initiative has prepared an online form in which you can fill in. As the goal of the ministry is that the list also serves for the promotion of Slovenian AI solutions in international environments, please fill in the form in English. Fill in the questionnaire

Innovations in the field of digitalization receive awards in “Sarajevo 2020” innovation and entrepreneurship fair
At the International Fair of Innovation and Entrepreneurship “Sarajevo 2020” which took place between the 23rd and 24th of November 2020 the researchers of the University of Maribor achieved great results. The silver medal worth 1.000 euro was awrded to the invention ‘DECOMPOSITION OF COMPOUND MUSCLE ACTION POTENTIALS’ presented by prof. dr. Aleš Holobar. The invention ‘METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE STORING, INSPECTION CONTROL AND RETRIEVAL OF DATA FROM A PERMANENTLY IMMUTABLE, DISTRIBUTED AND DECENTRALIZED STORAGE’ recieved the bronze mendal. It was presented by doc. dr. Muhamed Turkanović, pred. dr. Boštjan Kežmah, doc. dr. Aida Kamišalić Latifić, Blaž Podgorelc, mag. Marjana Heričko and prof. dr. Marjan Heričko. Congratulations to all the innovators!

UM Researchers win medals for innovation in the field od digitalization at the ARCA 2020 international fair
In this year’s nternational Innovation Exhibition ARCA 2020 researchers from around the world presented more than 180 innovations applicable in diverse fields: from industry to the use in the everyday life. The innovations presented at the fair were developed by individual inventors, public sector and private research groups, acatemic and scientific institutions, as well as start-ups and other entrepreneurs The invention “Method and device for storing, inspection control and retrieval of data from a permanently immutable, distributed and decentralized storage” received a gold medal in the competition. The innovation is a result of collaborative work among researchers/innovators of the Institute of Informatics UM FERI and RCUM doc. dr. Muhamed Turkanović, senior lecturer dr. Boštjan Kežmah, Blaž Podgorelec, doc. dr. Aida Kamišalić Latifić, M.Sc. Marjana Heričko and prof. dr. Marjan Heričko. Prof. dr. Aleš Hoblar also received a silver medal for the innovation “Decomposition of compound muscle action potentials”. Congratulations to all the innovators!

36 partners from 8 European countries have kick-started the EU-funded AI REGIO project with an online meeting with more than sixty participants in October 2020. Partners are on a mission to help European SMEs on the path towards artificial intelligence-driven digitalization whilst further integrating the pan-European network of regional Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). As stated in the European Commission’s communication on Artificial Intelligence (COM(2018) 237 final) the EU should be ahead of technological developments in AI and ensure they are swiftly taken up across its economy. Boosting AI uptake in Europe is also ever more important to take the lead in manufacturing. AI REGIO will make sure that help gets where it is needed for manufacturing SMEs by exploiting and enriching the cross-border network of so called regional Digital Innovation Hubs, competence centers from which companies can access skills and facilities not available in their region. Addressing regional, cross-regional and pan-European issues will ensure that the EU takes the lead in digital manufacturing, creating new opportunities for innovation and growth. AI REGIO objectives AI REGIO partners have identified three major gaps that currently hinder regional AI-driven DIHs from embracing the new digital reality and limit offerings for interested manufacturing SMEs. […]

HPC RIVR: Supercomputer in Maribor among the most powerful in the world
The central infrastructure of DIH UM is the HPC RIVR – a new supercomputer that will become one of the most important research tools in the new decade. At the end of 2019, we established our first HPC RIVR supercomputer, named Maister, which is the most powerful publicly owned supercomputer in Slovenia and the second most powerful in Slovenia in general (currently the most powerful supercomputer in Slovenia is only in the private company Arctur in Nova Gorica). Otherwise, Maister is just a prototype with which we at the University of Maribor are preparing to establish an actual HPC RIVR Vega supercomputer. We will establish this during 2020 and it will become by far the most powerful supercomputer in Slovenia, which will also be included in the list of the 100 most powerful computers in the world. With a capacity of 240 teraflops per second, Maister ranks second behind the Arctur supercomputer, which has a capacity of 340 teraflops per second. After upgrading the supercomputer center with HPC RIVR Vega, the capacity will be as much as 10,000 teraflops per second. Zoran Ren, Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Maribor, explained that the new supercomputer places Slovenia […]

Successful application of the AI REGIO project
We got another project! This is an AI REGIO project (Regions and DIHs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs) within the H2020-EU program.2.1.1. – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The aim of the AI REGIO project is to fill the 3 main gaps currently preventing artificial intelligence-based DIHs from introducing fully effective digital transformation pathways for their SMEs in manufacturing: at the policy level, the regional and EU gaps; at the technological level, a gap in digital production compared to the innovation cooperation platform; at the business level, the gap between innovative AI (Industry 5.0) compared to Industry 4.0. POLITICS. Regional smart specialization strategies for efficient sustainable production and digital transformation (VANGUARD initiative for industrial modernization) are so far insufficiently coordinated and integrated at interregional and EU level. Innovation in SMEs> AI cannot be extended to become pan-European in global markets, and SME-led experiments remain trapped in an overly local dimension. TECHNOLOGY. The DMP digital production platforms and the DIH Digital Innovation Hubs play a fundamental role in implementing the Digital Single Market and Digital Industry Directives for SMEs, but so far such initiatives, communities and innovation […]

Successful application of the DIH WORLD project
DIH UM, together with 40 partners from all over Europe will be implementing the DIH WORLD project (Accelerating the introduction and maturity of DIH in favor of the digitalisation of European SMEs), applied under H2020-EU program.2.1.1. – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). DIH-World aims to accelerate the uptake of advanced digital technologies by European manufacturing SMEs in all sectors and support them in building sustainable competitive advantages and reaching global markets strengthening the capacities of regional DIHs, particularly in underrepresented regions across Europe. As intermediaries of successful local SME digital transformation, DIH World, aims at providing DIHs, access to harmonised tools, well proven technologies, effective methodologies, sound knowledge, smart investment sources, rich training assets and overall a vibrant innovation environment. The final aim is to accelerate the matureness of DIHs and the development of their collaboration capabilities, and avoid a DIH divide due to lack of access to technologies, skills, networks, investment and infrastructures with special emphasis in underrepresented regions; so they can capitalise and leverage on the European DIHs Networks their resources and facilities for the benefit of their local SMEs. This will be achieved thanks to the: […]

Successful application for the DIHELP project
It is with great enthusiasm that we announce that we have been selected to participate in the DIHELP project from more than 100 applicants. DIHELP stands for ‘Extended Learning Program for Digital Innovation Hubs’. The aim of the DIHELP project is to develop a coherent, coordinated and sustainable approach to support European industry in all EU Member States at regional level, using the concept of digital innovation hubs (DIH). To achieve this goal, the DIHELP project will support selected digital innovation hubs to develop and strengthen their activities through a 9-month mentoring program. Selected DIHs will train and learn about business development, financing and innovation management, and develop a business model of their own digital innovation hub. Only in this way will we be able to offer professional business support to the economy and other organizations. The DIH UM team is very much looking forward to the upcoming challenges.

We have established a strategic partnership with DIH Agrifood and DIGITECH SI EAST
At the annual event of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Service of the University of Maribor, we solemnly signed a Cooperation Agreement with strategic partners DIH Agrifood and DIGITECH SI-EAST, with which we will in the future promote the digital transformation of the East Slovenian cohesion region. The entire event was thematically colored in the color of digitalization and our leader, Dr. Muhamed Turkanović, also addressed the guests to promote digital transformation and consequently increase the growth of Slovenian companies.

We presented ourselves at the annual event of digital innovation hubs: Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2019 in Madrid
We attended the annual event of digital innovation hubs: “Digitizing European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2019” in Madrid, where the final event of the DIHELP project also took place. 30 digital innovation hubs from all European countries presented themselves at the Forum and were given an opportunity to find complementary partners to participate in the upcoming “Digital Europe” program. The Stakeholder Forum is a public event organised on a yearly basis by the European Commission and one Member State within the context of the Digitising European Industry initiative (DEI). In coordination with the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourismm this year’s edition focused on “Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation Hubs – beyond 2020″ Artificial Intelligence is already showing its potential to tackle long-term challenges and to provide cost effective solutions. European policies are prioritising such potential through the support of Digital Innovation Hubs, industrial partnerships and a variety of additional initiatives that include funding instruments and other opportunities. On the other hand, ethical implications and legislative initiatives are receiving a prominent position in policy projections beyond 2020. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are quickly becoming a core element of many industrial environments, the upcoming Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes are […]

State of play report – East cohesion region of Slovenia
Together with renowned European organization ECORYS, we at DIH UM prepared a State of play Report on the situation in East cohesion region of Slovenija. The purpose of this report emphasized the advantages in the potential growth of the East cohesion region of Slovenija, which is covered by the Digital Innovation Hub of the University of Maribor. The report is available at the link below. State of play report – DIH University of Maribor

DIH UM officially entered in the Catalogue of Digital innovation hubs
As of today, DIH UM is also officially entered in the catalog of digital innovation hubs within the smart specialization platform established by the European Commission for the purpose of promoting digitalisation in Europe. You can see all the details about the operation, partners and implemented real solutions of our digital innovation hub at the link below:

DIH UM has officially started digitization activities
On 20 January 2019, with the decision of the Rector at University of Maribor, we officially established the Digital Innovation Hub UM (DIH UM), which will operate as a regional network of research and support institutions and industry. We will accelerate the digital transformation of Slovenia by using the most modern infrastructure and offering top digital technological innovations and services for industry. It acts as a single entry point for the Eastern Cohesion Region and helps the economy identify suitable partners who can help them in the digital transformation process.