Dr. Zoran Ren is an expert in complex computer modelling and simulations, high-performance computing, modelling of fast transients in solids, construction of machine elements as well as development and characterization of cellular metamaterials. He is the head of the Laboratory for Advanced Engineering Simulations and Experimentation (LACE-X), and the national research program Construction of Cellular Structures. He is successfully cooperating with industry, especially in the areas related to the improvement of road safety.
Since 2000, he is an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, a recipient of the 21st Century CoE Award conferred at the Osaka University in Japan, as well as the IROAST Visiting Professor at the Kumamoto University in Japan. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Wales, Swansea College, United Kingdom; the University of Delft, in the Netherlands; and at the Friederich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. He delivered 37 lectures at numerous hosting universities around the world.