The Second AI REGIO Call Is Already Underway!

The second AI REGIO call is underway, with the aim of selecting up to 17 experiments to be led by small and medium-sized enterprises. Of these, 10 are Type A experiments – one participating SME in the project, the experiments are related to TOPIC # 1 and TOPIC # 2, and 7 are Type B experiments – mini consortia (SMEs + DIH + optional third partner), the experiments are related to TOPIC # 1, TOPIC # 2 and TOPIC # 3.


#1 Manufacturing Data Spaces and Data4AI pipelines

#2 AI for Manufacturing Applications and AI-on-demand Platform contributions

#3 AI Didactic Factories for Manufacturing and TERESA Experimentations

You can read more about the mentioned topics on the official AI REGIO website.

Selected SMEs or consortia will receive up to € 100,000 in financial support.

Attention: The extended deadline for submitting proposals is September 9, 2022. The selected experiments will begin on November 21, 2022 and will last until July 14, 2023.


Digital and/or manufacturing SMEs, alone or affiliated to mini-consortia with Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) eligible for Horizon 2020, can apply to the AI REGIO open call. Only one proposal will be accepted from each SME.

There are two options for applying:

  • TYPE A: individual proposal, i.e. a proposal made by a single organization, namely SME. In this case, EUR 60,000 of financial support is available to third parties.
  • TYPE B: proposal of a mini consortium, i.e. a proposal submitted by a mini-consortium consisting of:
    – 1 manufacturing SME, as consortium leader;
    – 1 DIH, as stated in the DIH catalog;
    – provider of ICT solutions of technological RTO (optional). In this case, EUR 100,000 of financial support is available to third parties.

You can find out more about the call and application here.


Do you need assistance with application?

Fill out the form and we will assist you.