Participating Organizations
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences, and Informatics (UM)
- KIVI COM company for computer science, production, and trade d.o.o.
Problem Description
Technical debt (TD) is a metaphor derived from the financial world. The disadvantages of unfinished software are shown in a new light through the TD metaphor. The current weaknesses can also be understood in terms of a strategic decision – due to simplifications (eg security or performance aspects), several resources are available for e.g. better user experience, new functionalities, etc.
Most developers are not yet familiar with the concept of technical debt (TD). The decision to compromise on development is consequently still largely understood in a negative way. The key here is not only awareness of the TD concept, but also the availability of appropriate tools. For tools, especially where the implementation of metrics and error management are concerned, there are already various accessories which enable measurement or running of TD’s. However, these tools do not approach the issue comprehensively (from the management of TD beginning with its detection through metrics or manual awareness; support for the decision to take on a new TD; monitoring of the cumulation of all types of debt on the project until their complete elimination).
During the project, we reviewed existing TD management practices and guidelines. We established mechanisms to measure the existing, nowhere written TD. We made the developers aware of the issue and provided them with a tool for easier decision-making on the introduction of a new TD or its elimination. We investigated whether awareness of TD influences more responsible decision-making about inconsistencies that are or will be built into the software.