You are invited to the event DIH Slovenia: Opportunities and specifics of managing artificial intelligence systems on the topic of image, video and sound

You are invited to the next event in the Artificial Intelligence Systems Management series: Opportunities and specifics of artificial intelligence systems management on the topic of image, video and sound.

In recent years, artificial intelligence technology has become mature, widely available, involved in various business and social processes, and even in our private lives. At the same time, artificial intelligence is a secret for most people and consequently creates a certain amount of discomfort and fear. The consequences of the use of artificial intelligence also raise different views of stakeholders and researchers, and thus many ethical issues. The answer and solution for establishing a trusted artificial intelligence technology is in the relevant regulations and defined ethical guidelines.

Human control, security, privacy, transparency, transparency, diversity, non-discrimination, justice, environmental and social well-being, accountability – just a few of the concepts that should be key to the concept of trusted artificial intelligence technology. The new age of artificial intelligence, therefore, dictates a safe and trustworthy use, which must be defined by appropriate guidelines and properly regulated.

The hybrid event will take place on Monday, 18 October 2021, from 10.00 to 13.30, in the Digital Center of Slovenia (Ulica Gledališča BTC 6, Sever, Dvorana 1a, 1000 Ljubljana). The entire event will be conducted in English.

Thematic events Management of artificial intelligence systems take place as part of the activities of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. To participate, you must meet the PCT condition.

You can read more about the event HERE.