DigithON: Innovation and Digitalisation in the Travel Industry

Covid-19 has revolutionized the way we build commercial partnerships and find reliable and trustworthy actors to expand our network. You may have an innovative idea on the shelf, but you lack the expertise to implement it? Are you looking for the right service provider and digital provider to improve some processes or launch new services in the market? Do you offer IT and innovative services that can help SMEs with their technology and support the future growth of their business?

The event is aimed at solution providers and consultants with experience in tourism, digital transformation and service innovation, as well as for companies looking for commercial and / or technology partnerships to develop their projects and ideas. Both companies and service providers can create their own profile on the platform and access the marketplace where offers and requests for business cooperation will be published. Participants can find new partners to expand their business network and discuss innovation opportunities.

Throughout the networking event, participants will have a unique opportunity to meet companies working in the field of digital transformation technologies. By participating in the 25-minute pre-scheduled meetings, you will have the chance to find the right contacts to build new regional, national and international business- and technology partnerships.

Topics addressed:

Research & development in tourism product development, personalisation, mobile technology, recognition technology, augmented reality, internet of things, virtual assistants, big data management, block chain, digitalisation of cultural heritage.

Who should attend:

Companies interested in new specific digitalization topics, Companies looking for partners and new co-operations, Digitalization teams and start-ups seeking new customers and partners, Travel industry experts, Academics, Planning projects towards development and innovation in relevant areas, Research institutes relevant as partners in such projects, More about the public tender.

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