Current tenders in the field of e-commerce, brand strengthening in foreign markets and digital transformation

During the COVID-19 epidemic, the implementation of tenders for grants did not stop. There are still quite a few tenders available where companies can obtain a grant. Most of them were published before the epidemic, but they are more or less multi-annual calls with application deadlines every year. You will be able to get acquainted with the current tenders, which will be available this autumn, at the seminar, which will be held on Thursday 3 September 2020 at 9.00 in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce, Dimičeva 13, Ljubljana, hall E. The event will also take place via the online platform ZOOM.

At the seminar, you will learn the following information regarding current tenders:

– with the conditions for application;

– with eligible costs, or with information on which costs you can claim;

– the amount of co-financing for individual companies;

– with application deadlines;

– with the details of reporting after approved applications or by submitting applications to various information systems.

Above all, you will learn how to compose a quality and efficient application for the competition so that it will have as many opportunities as possible for a successful candidacy.

We will present the following tenders in more detail:

1. Public tender for the establishment or upgrade of e-commerce in SMEs in the period from 2019-2022 – E-commerce. The subject of the public tender is the co-financing of the establishment and upgrade of electronic commerce with foreign markets in companies and includes the following measures:

a) Electronic exchange between partners

b) Digitization of appearances at fairs

c) Websites for foreign markets

d) Online stores

e) Product-sales videos

f) Strengthening competencies – training

The purpose of the public tender is to support SMEs by co-financing the eligible costs of establishing or upgrading e-commerce, which can easily enter global value chains and new markets, increase the international competitiveness of their business, improve and accelerate interaction with business partners abroad. they send and collect information more efficiently and improve relationships throughout the supply chain

2. Public tender to strengthen the marketing of brands in showrooms. The subject of the public tender is the co-financing of eligible costs of strengthening the marketing of brands through showrooms in foreign markets. The purpose of the public tender is to support companies that want to strengthen the marketing of brands in foreign markets and thus achieve higher added value and competitive advantage in the market positioning of end products in foreign markets and integration into global value chains at various levels. The tender is intended for companies based in the cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija.

3. Incentives for the digital transformation of SMEs. The subject of the tender is the co-financing of eligible costs for the provision of technical equipment and digital transformation of key production and business processes. Technical equipment means the provision of software and / or hardware that enables digital business and production. The field of digital transformation includes improvements in customer experience, efficient collection, processing and visualization of data in the company, development of processes and digital solutions to support business and production, implementation of digital business models, development of digital staff and digital jobs, digital culture development, cyber security and implementation of industry projects 4.0.


8.45 – Registration of participants

9.00 – Presentation of the E-commerce tender

9.30 – Presentation of the tender Strengthening brand marketing

9.45 – Presentation of the Call for Proposals for the Digital Transformation of SMEs

10.00 – Questions from the participants

10.30 – Conclusion


Peter Sotošek Štular, B.Sc. prav., director of Omnimodo, which has been advising companies in the field of obtaining grants for more than twelve years. He also gained work experience by working in the state administration and managing public institutions. He is an experienced project manager with knowledge of administrative law, who has successfully carried out and led more than 250 grant projects. As part of project management, the company is responsible for the substantive adjustments of project documentation, financial projections and adaptations of texts to the tender criteria.

Katja Panjan, B.Sc. dipl.hisp. in polit. is a project manager at Omnimodo d.o.o. , responsible for monitoring public tenders in the field of digitization and research and development projects at national and European level. As part of project management, she is responsible for preparing documentation, assisting in the preparation of financial plans and reporting with a view to reimbursing beneficiaries. Since the beginning of her career, she has gained a lot of knowledge and experience in various positions at the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, where she participated in the preparation of key national programs of European cohesion policy and documents important for proper absorption of European funds.

The event is free, registration is required at the link