The Second Change2Twin Deployment Open Call

The open call is aimed at manufacturing SMEs and mid-cap companies (i.e. companies with up to 3,000 employees) who want to improve their competitiveness by introducing digital twin technology. The support program includes funding and technical mentoring.

Up to 16 selected applicants will receive a deployment voucher worth up to €90,000 to deploy a digital twin in their manufacturing company.

Companies applying for this call should ideally have already reached digitization level 3, which means that they are preferably already using dashboards and that data from important business processes, such as production, are available through sensors.

The minimum digitization level for companies applying to the open call is 2, where digital systems in the organization are largely interconnected and exchange data to provide business applications and software with relevant information.

Application deadline: 16 April 2023 by 17:00 CEST.

More about the open call.

Do you need assistance with application?

Fill out the form and we will assist you.