- Agriculture, forestry and food
- Energy
- Environment
- Health and Pharmacy
- Manufactoring
- Mobility
- Public Administration
- Tourism and Cultural Heritage
- Blockchain
- Cloud Computing
- Communication Networks
- Cyber Physical System
- Cybersecurity
- Intelligent Business and Logistic Models
- Internet of Things
- Mass data, data mining
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Simulation and Modeling
- Software development
- Web Services
assoc. prof. dr. Roman Gumzej
- Faculty of Logistics, UM
- roman.gumzej@um.si
- +386 (0)3 428 5314
- Researcher code
- 14741
RRI services offered to companies
Intelligent business and logistics systems.
Smart cities and communities.
Education offered to companies
- Objectives: Participants will familiarize themselves with the implementation and business modules of SAP ERP.
- Content: Implementation of ERP systems, ASAP, Finance module (FI), Controlling (CO), Purchasing (MM), Sales (SD), Production (PP)
- Duration: 5 Days
- Who is this training designed for: Heads of departments involved in the implementation of the ERP system
- Lecturers: assoc. prof. dr. Roman Gumzej, doc. dr. Bojan Rupnik
- Note: Prior-knowledge of Microsoft Office is recommended
Past cooperation with companies in the field of digitalization
- Lip Bled d.o.o.
- eVizija d.o.o.
- Metra
- Hofer d.o.o.
- Post Slovenia d.o.o.
Successful projects in collaboration with companies
Lip Bled: Overview of the current state and construction of a simulation model, You Tube, 2018.
Tracking of transport packaging in a commercial supply chain using RFID technology: Master’s thesis.
Scientific publications
- Poletan Jugović T., Čišić D. and Gumzej R. (2019): Supply Chain Service Quality Improvement by E-marketplace Automation.
- Milić B., Rosi B. and Guzmenj R. (2019): An Approach to E-marketplace Automation.
- Čišić D. and Gumzej R. (2018): Decentralized agent-based electronic marketplace supply chain ecosystem.
- Guzmenj R. and Rosi B. (2017): An agent-based simulation of a QoS-oriented supply chain.
- Guzmej R. (2016): Engineering Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems.
Patents and patent publications
GUMZEJ, Roman, HALANG, Wolfgang A.. Avtomatizirana avtentikacija in avtorizacija transportnih enot znanih dostavljalcev : patent SI25020 (A), 2016-12-30. Ljubljana: Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2016. 6 str., 2 str. pril., ilustr. http://www3.uil-sipo.si/PublicationServer/documentpdf.jsp?iDocId=35317&iepatch=.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 512829501]
patentna družina: Št. prijave: P201500137, 2015-06-02
Knowledge and unpatented technologies
- SAP ERP business modules, configuration and ABAP, SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility), FIPA (Foundation of Intelligent Physical Agents).
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