- Agriculture, forestry and food
- Construction
- Creative Industry
- Energy
- Environment
- Health and Pharmacy
- Manufactoring
- Materials
- Mobility
- Public Administration
- Tourism and Cultural Heritage
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- Communication Networks
- Cybersecurity
- Gamification
- Intelligent Business and Logistic Models
- Interaction technology
- Internet of Things
- Laser Technology
- Mass data, data mining
- Monitor technologies
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Software development
- Super-computer RIVR
- Virtual Reality
- Web Services
assoc. prof. dr. Aleš Zamuda
- FERI UM, Institute of Computer Science, Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
- ales.zamuda@um.si
- +386 (0)2 22 07 404
- Researcher code
- 28880
RRI services offered to companies
- Consulting;
- Research work;
- Presentation of research work;
- Publication of research work;
- Knowledge transfer;
- Technology transfer.
Education offered to companies
C ++ Programming
- Objectives: To create, use, write, plan and design your own C++ pograms
- Duration: 60 hours
- Who is this training designed for: For planners and developers, R&D specialists, marketing staff
- Organizer: UM FERI
- Lecturers: doc. dr. Aleš Zamuda
Programming in ASM
- Objectives: To create and plan computer programs from compiler to higher level language and understand their architecture
- Duration: 60 hours
- Who is this training designed for: For planners and developers, R&D specialists
- Organizer: UM FERI
- Lecturers: doc. dr. Aleš Zamuda
Creating a Virtual Machine Network
- Objectives: To create and plan cloud computing using tools such as VirtualBox, Docker, MPI, Linux.
- Duration: 60 hours
- Who is this training designed for: For planners and developers, R&D specialists
- Organizer: UM FERI
- Lecturers: doc. dr. Aleš Zamuda
Using Intelligent algorithms for the digitization of logistic, transport and economic systems
- Objectives: To design and plan intelligent systems with the help of computational intelligence algorithms and the creation of usable digital systems.
- Duration: 60 hours
- Who is this training designed for: For planners and developers, R&D specialists
- Organizer: UM FERI
- Lecturers: doc. dr. Aleš Zamuda
Past cooperation with companies in the field of digitalization
- Univerza v Mariboru
- Evropska komisija, agencija REA
- ADIN, d.o.o.
- INEA, d.o.o.
- GZS, d.o.o.
- RECA, d.o.o.
- Tenis Center Luka, d.o.o.
Successful projects in collaboration with companies
Interactive multimedia billboards
Adin DS: upgrade the transformation server, display and marketing widgets – IMOPADS
- Website: https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/20672790
- In the digital messaging industry, Adin d.o.o. deal with displaying a wide range of content, from Excel documents, PDF, Word, images, HTML5, text, graphs, RSS, animations and videos. Content displays are connected to the cloud-based central server over an Internet connection, which depends on the quality of the network equipment and the bandwidth of the connection.
- Main problems:
1) how to upgrade the transformation server accordingly to support additional functionalities,2) how to achieve the continuation of operations from the interruption onwards in the digital content distribution system,3) how to upgrade existing HTML5 display widgets from Adin DS concept to React Native and4) how to conduct a study of the introduction of new sales channels and promotion for new products. - Process of solving the problem:
- Transformation server [ADIN, FERI]: In Adin d.o.o. prepared products transform certain content as soon as it is entered into the system (eg image conversion), and video content is included in the process type, which takes care of the transformation of video into lower quality. Students carried out a work activity where they implemented such a comprehensive solution that allows the entry or capture of different palettes of content on the one hand and the transformation of these into a range of desired formats on the other (transformation server).
- Content distribution [ADIN, FERI]: Students with ADIN d.o.o. and FERI have implemented a robust solution under the current content distribution solution that continues copying to the local device from the previous interruption.
- Upgrading display widgets [ADIN, FERI]: As part of the project, existing HTML5 widgets from the Adin DS concept were upgraded.
- New sales channels and promotion [OZC, FL]: At OOZC, students learned about the aspects of introducing new sales channels and promoting new products and produced marketing materials for these new products.
Adding new sales channels and introducing new shipment marking technology – European Social Fund through the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of Slovenia.
- Website: http://pkp2.um.si/projekti/Strani/Dodajanje-novih-prodajnih-poti-in-uvedba-nove-tehnologije-ozna%C4%8Devanja-po%C5%A1iljk.aspx.
- Main problems:
- In the company RECA d.o.o. they market the services of marketing fasteners, tools, consumables only through field salesmen. They note that such operations impair customer responsiveness, the flexibility to adjust supply to demand, and lower the quality and price of customer service. In addition, they note that salespeople are not always present with customers, retail sales to end customers are not carried out, online sales are not available, and so on. The company is aware that any change in sales channels would affect the logistics system through which they deliver goods to customers. … (more description on the website above)
Development of a model for showing the operation of the APS system on test data of the company – European Social Fund through the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of Slovenia
- Website: http://pkp2.um.si/projekti/Strani /Izdelava-modela-za-prikaz-delovanja-APS-sistema-na-testnih-podatkih-obravnavanega-podjetja.aspx.
- Main Problem: The project dealt with the transition of any company from manual / classic planning and scheduling to the use of an advanced planning system (APS) and its computer support. Modern organization of work in companies requires the shortest possible downtime with the smallest possible stocks, the greatest possible flexibility to customer requirements and the effective coordination of the activities of diversified resources. In practice, completely manual modes and systems are most often used for planning and scheduling purposes .
Scientific publications
- Zamuda A. and Lloret E. (2020): Optimizing Data-Driven Models for Summarization as Parallel Tasks.
- Zamuda A. and José Daniel Hernández Sosa J. D. (2019): Success history applied to expert system for underwater glider path planning using differential evolution.
- Zamuda A., Hernández Sosa J. D. and Adler L. (2016): Constrained differential evolution optimization for underwater glider path planning in sub-mesoscale eddy sampling.
- Glotić A. and Zamuda A. (2015): Short-term combined economic and emission hydrothermal optimization by surrogate differential evolution.
- Zamuda A. and Hernández Sosa J. D. (2014): Differential evolution and underwater glider path planning applied to the short-term opportunistic sampling of dynamic mesoscale ocean structures.
Knowledge and unpatented technologies
- Autonomous exploration of deep oceans on planets (Earth, …);
- Reconstruction of tree geometry for animation;
- System capable of producing automatic text summaries;
- Booking of appointments over a smartphone.
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