Lead Partner, Call Applicant and Consortium Leader:
- ETRA d.o.o.
Consortium partners:
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Maribor
- Faculty of Logistics of the University of Maribor
- EMO-Orodjarna d.o.o.
Problem Description: Partners would like to optimize their production and decrease costs throught the introduction and development of a hybrid robotic workplace.
Solution: The partners cooperate with the Competence Centre (CC) ROBOFLEX, which is the initiator of the project and in the implementation of it cooperates with research and professional and business consulting. Together with DIH UM experts, the partners identify, develop, test and validate robotic flexible, cognitive robotic applications for the needs of the customer’s manufacturing manufacturing jobs. Together, they will develop a hybrid robotic workstation (RiDM), where the robot will assist production workers in carrying out production tasks, including augmented reality (AR) and the use of automated transport logistics production devices (AGVs). They will also develop a smart factory model. for the needs of toolmaking, of which RiDM will be an integral part.
RiDM pilot applications will be developed, produced ad tested first in the ETRA’s development lab, and then transferred to the production environment of EMO Orodjarna, where their use will be validated and any deficiencies eliminated.