The Partners
- Universidad de Salamanca (coordinator) (ES),
- IDimas (ES),
- Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko (UM FERI) (SI),
- Gorenje Surovina (SI),
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (DE),
- ITQ GmbH (DE),
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (RO),
- Brandweb (RO).
Project Description
The objective of this project is to contribute to the employability of PhD students in the renewable energy and the digital and technological sector by developing clear and simple way to transition from the Master to the PhD program and eventually to the labour market and exploring alternative ways of insertion into the labour market.
Kot prvi korak se bodo partnerji zato osredotočili na spodbujanje povezovanja visokošolskih zavodov in trga dela. Od zasebnih podjetij se pričakuje, da bodo opredelile kompetence, ki jih zahtevajo od doktorskih študentov. Na podlagi teh kompetenc naj bi visokošolska ustanova oblikovala priporočila in oblikovala prilagojene programe usposabljanja. Ob tem bo delovna skupina analizirala tudi rezultate raziskav izvedene na evropski ravni in oblikovala skupni spletni program usposabljanja, ki bo znatno izboljšal zaposljivost diplomantov doktorskih študijev.
As a first step, it is important to foster the connection between HEI and the labour market. Private companies are expected to define the competences they request from PhD graduates, based on these competences HEI should build recommendations and design tailor made training programs. In this sense, a survey on European level will be launched to learn about requirements for the labour market in emerging areas. Secondly, a working group will analyse the survey results and design a joint online training program to considerably improve the employability of PhD graduates.