The Partners::
- Astron d.o.o.,
- University of Mariboru,
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (UM FERI)
- Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture (UM FGPA)
Smart Specialization Priority Area:
- Smart cities and communities
Problem Description
With growing urban population, mobility within cities is becoming increasingly challenging. This particularly affects the most woundable groups of citizens that daily face inaccessible city services, products, and environments due to their impairments in mobility. With accessibility being one of the key priorities of European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 as well as UN’s strategy on Sustainable Urban Development, deployment of assistive systems is also one of the key aspects of smart cities.
Opis rešitve
ION aims at developing a new generation of personalization navigation that will provide integrated indoor and outdoor routing services, particularly adjusted to the requirements of individuals with impairments in mobility. ION will meet this objective by developing:
- A new software solution for generation of enriched navigation maps with detail geometry of obstacles obtained from heterogeneous Earth Observation data,
- A new indoor positioning system based on Visual Light Communication that will allow for transforming existing lighting into advanced navigation systems, compliant with mobile devices,
- Next generation navigation platform that will enable seamless switching between indoor and outdoor positioning, while considering personalised preferences for optimal path finding.
ION connects leading experts in geospatial data processing (i.e. FERI), advance electronics (i.e. ASTRON), and mobile applications (i.e. INOVA) with most prominent experts in urban mobility (i.e. FGPA) that will bring about this ambitious agenda through a streamlined iterative work plane in a co-creative manner.
As navigation is a key enabler of Smart Cities and Communities, particularly in the segment of mobility, transport and logistics, the proposed project directly contributes to the main objective of the referenced area and sub-area of S4. By focusing on open design, ION also provides a key component for meeting horizontal ICT network’s main objective that is an integrated platform for smart environments.
Co-financed by the Slovene Ministry of Education,Scinece and Sport, and the EU’s Europena Regional Development Fund.