The Partners
- SiEVA, podjetje za razvoj in trženje v avtomobilski industriji d.o.o. (koordinator),
- Kolektor Group d.o.o.,
- Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Mariboru,
- Cosylab d.o.o.,
- Hidria AET Družba za proizvodnjo vžignih sistemov in elektronike d.o.o.,
- Kolektor Group d.o.o.,
- NELA, razvojni center za elektroindustrijo in elektroniko, d.o.o.,
- PODKRIŽNIK, specialna strojna industrija, d.o.o.,
- RLS merilna tehnika d.o.o.,
- TPV trženje in proizvodnja opreme vozil d.d.,
- Fakulteta za strojništvo, Univerza v Ljubljani,
- Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Univerza v Ljubljani,
- Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto,
- Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije.
Project Description
The EVA4green R&D program under the MOBILITY priority is bringing a plan for 22 new products whose competitive edge on the market shall be proven with more than 40 innovations and 16 international patent applications. The development areas have been selected to fall within the main directions of international automotive industry, EU strategies and the Slovenian national development programme.
The work in Eva4green shall be oriented towards the following priority fields:
- Internal combustion engine,
- main vehicle electric drivetrain,
- auxiliary mechatronic components,
- safety and comfort systems and components.
The breakthrough solutions will be achieved by introducing new materials, reducing the components’ weight, development of advanced sensorics, introducing solutions from field of key enabling technologies and construction optimization.