Participating organizations
- INEA – Informatizacija, energetika, avtomatizacija d.o.o.,
- Slovenian Chamber of Commerce,
- Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor
- Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Maribor
- Monting SK d.o.o.
The project dealt with the transition of companies from manual / classic planning and scheduling to the use of an advanced planning system (APS) and the associated use of computer support. The modern organization of work in companies requires the shortest possible downtime with the smallest possible stocks, the greatest possible flexibility regarding customer requirements and the effective coordination of diversified resource activities.
INEA is a company with a team of consultants and specialists focusing on the Preactor tool, which offers top services and the introduction of one of the most comprehensive all-around support systems in manufacturing companies. During the project, we created the foundations for easier decision-making regarding the purchase, implementation and use of APS.