Unveiling the potential of AI for the manufacturing industry – Joint AI REGIO and KITT4SME webinar

Unveiling the potential of AI for the manufacturing industry – Joint AI REGIO and KITT4SME webinar organised by I4MS.

The EU supports the widespread uptake of digital technologies in manufacturing business operations. Since 2013, the I4MS, ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs, the initiative has helped SMEs and mid-caps to improve their products, business processes, and business models via digital technologies. Within I4MS, AI REGIO and KITT4SME are the projects supporting SMEs by experimenting and testing Artificial Intelligence techniques in manufacturing.

During the webinar participants will be introduced with key concepts on the use of AI and get first-hand information about the opportunities and support offered by these two projects.

The AI REGIO “Regions and Digital Innovation Hubs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs”, will build a one-stop-shop platform that enables access to resources for AI-based solutions in efficient and sustainable manufacturing, with particular emphasis on resources that can lower the AI adoption barriers for SMEs.


4th October 2021, 14.00pm – 15.00pm


French-German Partnering Event for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Industry 4.0.


7th October 2021, 10.00am – 16.00pm

Event organised within the project “Deutsch-Französische Vernetzung zu Industrie 4.0 und angewandter Künstlicher Intelligenz” and supported by the Ministry of Economics of Baden-Württemberg (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-Württemberg).

More here.


Smart Systems and Smart Platforms transformation towards Industry 5.0: experience and lessons learned from SAE and I4MS experiments.


20th of October 2021,11.00 am – 12.30 pm

Event jointly organised by Smart4europe2/SAE, I4MS, AI REGIO within the World Manufacturing Week 2021. Will raise awareness about the European vision and strategy on Industry 5.0, discuss the key role and impact of companies, present new socio-technical approaches for future-proof manufacturing and showcase best practice examples.

Agenda (scroll down to view full programme)


KITT4SME (platform-enabled KITs of arTificial intelligence FOR an easy uptake by SMEs) specifically targets European SMEs and mid-caps to provide them with scope-tailored and industry-ready hardware, software and organisational kits, delivered as modularly customisable digital platform, that seamlessly introduce artificial intelligence in their production systems.