Streaming optimised scientific software: an introduction to EESSI

MultiXscale, in collaboration with CASTIEL 2 WP3 presents an event aimed at the Center of Excellence, the National Competence Center, their network and the end user. The event will take place online on December 5, 2023, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m CET.

Have you ever wished that all the scientific software you use was available on all the resources you had access to without having to go through the pain of getting them installed the way you want/need?

The European Environment for Scientific Software Installations (EESSI – pronounced “easy”) is a common stack of architecture-optimised scientific software installations for HPC systems and beyond, including laptops, personal workstations, and cloud infrastructure.

At the training you will learn what EESSI is, how it is designed, how to gain access to it and how to use it.

A number of presentations will be shown, and access to a resource where you can try EESSI yourself will be given.

Please register in advance by 1 December, EoB.
