Social Network Strategies

Nowadays the social media presence of brands, service providers or organizations is no longer enough to ensure effective promotion and an increase in sales or visibility in the market. There is a  growing need for continuous creation of new contents which can grab the attention and engage desired target groups. Regardless of the type of content, it is important to familiarize yourself with tools and guidelines which can help you improve texts, design content and publish it using visual materials.

Therefore the Creative Accelerator will be focusing on the strategic preparation of content for publication on social networks – both visual and textual. For this purpose Nina Tanhofer, an expert in communication strategies, conceptualization and content management who is currently working for Herman & Partners and is the leader of the team designing effective digital communication strategies, will be joining our workshop.

During the workshops we will discuss the following topics:

  • How to choose the right platform depending on the brand, product, and available resources,
  • How to set a strategy on individual platforms (Facebook, Instagram and others),
  • Examples of good and bad practice of using text and visual materials for each platform,
  • Tools that can facilitate writing, publishing, and designing of contents,
  • Working with (nano / micro) influencers

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