Learn how to work with the LIDAR system on a drone

On Wednesday and Thursday, 21 and 22 April 2021, from 8.30 am onwards, the workshop focusing on working with the LIDAR system (RIEGL miniVUX-2UAV) on an unmanned aerial vehicle which is organized as part of the cohesion project ELIXIR-SI RI-SI-2 will take place online.

On Wednesday the content will be divided into two parts, namely:

  1. RiACQUIRE / RiPARAMETER software for data acquisition preparation and;
  2. Data processing and postprocessing of data with POSPAC and RiPROCESS software.

On Thursday, the training will include a practical example of processing concrete data.

The lecture will be given in English and will be given by the equipment manufacturer RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH.