Digital Alps Conference – digitalization in the Alpine area

Between the 27th and 28th of May 2021 EUSALP the new Digital Alps web conference will take place. Organized by EUSALP AG5 and held online, it will focus on all topics related to digitalization in the Alpine area.

Within the University of Maribor, The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is actively participating in the organization and implementation of the Digital Alps Conference.

Join us if:

  • you believe that digitalisation offers new perspectives for the Alpine region, and you want to share your ideas and thoughts with us;
  • you are interested in the smart village approach in the Alpine region;
  • want to know how digitization can help SMEs become smarter;
  • you are interested in open data applications;
  • if you are already active in existing networks and initiatives dealing with digitization in the Alpine region;
  • if you are a representative of public entities and service providers involved in digitization;
  • if you are a participant in EUSALP and the Interreg Alpine Space program.

The event is free of charge.

You can apply at the following link: REGISTRATION