At the 59th regular session of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in February last year, it was decided, based on the assessments of the interdepartmental expert commission of the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, that the DIGI-SI consortium will also be proposed to the European Commission as the selected national candidate for EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub).
Thus, the consortium led by the University of Maribor began intensively preparing for the application at the European level. This year, the DIGI-SI Consortium, with all its efforts, achieved the set goal and gained the status of EDIH, i.e. the European Digital Innovation Hub, for which as many as 331 candidates applied.
The DIGI-SI Consortium under the coordination of the University of Maribor, more specifically DIH UM, consists of six partners, namely, Jožef Stefan Institute, DIH Slovenia, Technology Park Ljubljana, Arctur, ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota and TCS – Institute-Center of Slovenian Tool Cluster Celje. The establishment of EDIH is a plan of the European Commission within the Digital Europe Program with the aim of accelerating the digital breakthrough of the European Union and bringing digital technologies closer to businesses, citizens and public administration in the EU.
EDIHs’ purpose is to actively promote the digital transformation of the economy and the public sector through state-of-the-art digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, mass data and augmented/virtual reality while ensuring cyber security and the necessary digital skills. Digitalization in these areas will be achieved by the EDIH DIGI-SI Consortium, inter alia, in the form of support to the economy and public administration in education and awareness of what advanced digital technologies are and how they can be used to accelerate development and operation; experimenting before investing in advanced digital solutions; conducting digital maturity assessments of companies and organizations; connecting companies and organizations with researchers and the innovation ecosystem; and in the form of assistance in finding funding.
With the planned services, the EDIH DIGI-SI Consortium will focus on the implementation of selected digital technologies in the Slovenian and European economy and the public sector.
This way, the public sector will be able to upgrade its operations to ensure that current business processes are more efficient for all involved, and companies will have the opportunity to improve their position in the domestic, European and global markets by digitizing their processes, services and products, thus contributing to greater added value of Slovenian products and services.