prof. dr. Alenka Lipovec
- Department for Elementary Education, Faculty of Education, UM
- +386 (0)2 22 93 686
- Researcher code
- 13351
RRI services offered to companies
Digitalization from the educational and social science point of view.
Education offered to companies
- Critical assessment of the use of technology for educational purposes.
- Using technology in teaching in a meaningful way.
- Designing an educational interactive sequence.
Other current projects
Scientific publications
- Lipovec A. and Ferme J. (2019) :Uporaba GeoGebre pri pouku matematike na razredni stopnji.
- Lipovec A., Krašna M. in Pesek I. (2019): Izzivi in dileme osmišljene uporabe IKT pri pouku
- Antolin D., Lipovec A., Pesek I. and Zmazek B. (2015): Interaktivni konceptualni apleti v i-učbeniku kot mediatorji problemskih znanj.
- Zmazek B., Pesek I., Lipovec A. and Antolin Dresar D. (2014): Slovenian mathematics i-textbooks.
- Zmazek B., Pesek I., Lipovec A. and Zmazek V. (2012): What is an E-Textbook.
- Lipovec A. and Antolin Dresar D.(2011): The Use of Virtual Classroom at Mathematical Course During Pre-Service Elementary Teacher Education.
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