Primož Bencak, MSc Eng
- Laboratory for Cognitive Systems in Logistics, Faculty of Logistics, UM
- +386 (0)3 42 85 363
- Researcher code
- 53593
RRI services offered to companies
Development of less complex electronic circuits and user interfaces along with the production and implementation of simulations in the MATLAB / Simulink environment (primarily in the field of intelligent controls).
Programming microcontrollers and digital signal controllers.
Scientific publications
- Bencak P. (2019): Razvoj ON-LINE algoritmov vodenja za robotske sisteme (Magistrsko delo).
- Bencak P., Fister D. and Lerher T. (2019): Low-Cost Real-Time Measuring and Analysis System for Industrial Environments.
- Bencak P., Sedonja D., Picej A., Kolman A. and Bogša M. (2018): Regulacija plovca v zračnem tunelu (zračna levitacija) na osnovi mehke logike.
- Bencak, P. (2017): Aktivni BMS sistem za Li-ion akumulatorske baterije (Diplomsko delo).
- Bencak P., Fister D. and Šafarič R. (2015): Izdelava ogrodja robota s pomočjo 3D tiskalnika.
Knowledge and unpatented technologies
- Development of user interfaces using C#, Python, MATLAB capable of capturing and analysing different measurements.
- PKP project 2016/2017: Development of advanced methods for determining the strength classes of beech (FGG at UL). Short report:
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