prof. dr. Urban Bren
- Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics
- +386 (0)2 22 94 421
- Researcher code
- 25434
RRI services offered to companies
Computer simulations of antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic potentials of functional food supplements.
Computer-based treatment planning.
Computer simulations of microwave chemistry.
Development of electrochromic devices.
Education offered to companies
Computer Simulations with Molecular Modelling
- Content: Molecular models and computer simulation; Quantum-mechanical models – prediction of the reaction rate constant; Classical models – prediction of chemical equilibrium constant; Implicit and explicit solvent models – solubility prediction
- Duration: 1 Day
- Who is this training designed for: Planners, developers and R&D specialists
Past cooperation with companies in the field of digitalization
- Žito d.o.o.
- Medex d.o.o.
- Etol d.o.o.
- Jata-Emona d.o.o.
- Panvita d.d.
- Tanin Sevnica d.d.
- Ljubljanske mlekarne d.o.o.
- Mlekarna Celeia d.d.
- Valens int d.o.o.
- AMBA Co d.o.o.
- Droga Kolinska d.d.
- Sanofarm d.o.o.
- Krka d.d.
Successful projects in collaboration with companies
Ljubljanske mlekarne: Molecular Simulations of Functional Nutritional Supplements
Žito, Etol, Medex: Development of functional foods of the future (Food for Future F4F)
Panvita in Jata-Emona: Elimination of antibiotics from the food chain (AB FREE)
Krka: Development of columns for affinity chromatography
Sanofarm- Resveratrol: Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic effects
Tanin Sevnica: Tannin extracts as functional food and feed additives; The healing effects of rosemary extracts; Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic agents of hop extracts
Scientific publications
- Curk T., Brackley C. A., Farrell J. D., Zhongyang X., Joshi D., Direito S., Bren U., Angioletti-Uberti S., Dobnikar J., Eiser E., Frenkel D. and Rosalind J. A. (2020): Computational design of probes to detect bacterial genomes by multivalent binding.
- Rozman M., Gaberšček M., Marolt G., Bren U. and Lukšič M. (2019). An inverted sandwich electrochromic device architecture does not require optically transparent electrodes.
- Hostnik G., Gladović M. and Bren U. (2019). Tannin basic building blocks as potential scavengers of chemical carcinogens : a computational study.
- Furlan V., Konc J. and Bren U. (2018): Inverse molecular docking as a novel approach to study anticarcinogenic and anti-neuroinflammatory effects of curcumin.
- Udommaneethanakit T., Rungrotmongkol T., Frecer V., Senci P., Staniclav M. and Bren U. (2014): Drugs against avian influenza A virus : design of novel sulfonate inhibitors of neuraminidase N1.
Patents and patent publications
Electrochromic cell consisting of two opaque electrodes and an electrolyte carrier with added electrochromic dye / Elektrokromna celica, sestavljena iz dveh neprosojnih elektrod ter nosilca elektrolita z dodanim elektrokromnim barvilom : patent SI 25127 A, 2017-07-31. Ljubljana: Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2017. 21 str., 5 str. pril., ilustr. patentna družina: Št. prijave: 201500168, 2016-01-20
Process for the preparation of key intermediates for the synthesis of statins or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof : international publication number: EP 2 598 484 (B1) : date of patent: June 29, 2016. München: European Patent Office, 2016. 88 str.
Knowledge and unpatented technologies
- Computer simulations of antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic potentials of functional food supplements
- Computer-based treatment planning
- Computer simulations of microwave chemistry
- Development of electrochromic devices
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