Join us and benefit from the opportunities we offer to our members. Add your company’s or organization’s profile to the DIH UM platform and start promoting your digital services and technologies. Gain an edge over your competition by finding the right solution for a successful digital transformation of your company.
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Fill out the membership form and take advantage of the DIH UM benefits. Become a member

Education and training tailored to your needs
Our offer currently includes 20 different free and paid training courses (webinar trainings are also available).

Access to equipment and other R&D infrastructure
The University of Maribor along with our partner organizations provides you access to an extensive infrastructure and a wide array of equipment for educational and research purposes.

Support during funding and tender applications
Our experienced and professional staff can help you find diverse funding opportunities, and advise you during your application for either national, EU or private investment projects.

Connect with new domestic and international partners
On account of our strong connections, which we established through the participation in various business networks (e.g. Enterprise Europe Network), we can aid you in your search for the right international partner to help you sell or install new technologies in different research, technology or innovation projects at home or abroad.

Stay Up-to-Date with the latest Trends & News
New opportunities for the digitalization of organizations are published daily. Our DIH UM also includes interdisciplinary groups of experts and researchers who specialize in different aspects of the market and can anticipate future trends.

Connect with the wider business environment
We connect you with relevant organisations within the Eastern Cohesion Region. Collaborate with companies, public institutions, and academia in the implementation of research and development projects.

Experimentation and prototyping
We provide technical support in the growth of your company.

Through the Enterprise Europe Network, we provide the opportunity to present products and services at international conferences and to introduce them to companies from domestic as well as foreign markets.

Building an Ecosystem
In order to provide you with first rate services, we continuously work on strengthening and expending our DIH UM community. We are involved in international networks such as the EEN, DTC, DEMOLA, through which we establish new connections with other international digital innovation hubs. The aim of these collaborations is to create joint projects, workshops and conferences which enable the exchange of knowledge and best practice examples among DIH actors.
You are in the right hands
We take care of our customers and members. And most importantly, we deliver results.

DIH UM has officially started digitization activities
On 20 January 2019, with the decision of the Rector at University of Maribor, we officially established the Digital Innovation Hub UM (DIH UM), which will operate as a regional network of research and support institutions and industry. We will accelerate the digital transformation of Slovenia by using the most modern infrastructure and offering top digital technological innovations and services for industry. It acts as a single entry point for the Eastern Cohesion Region and helps the economy identify suitable partners who can help them in the digital transformation process.

DIH UM officially entered in the Catalogue of Digital innovation hubs
As of today, DIH UM is also officially entered in the catalog of digital innovation hubs within the smart specialization platform established by the European Commission for the purpose of promoting digitalisation in Europe. You can see all the details about the operation, partners and implemented real solutions of our digital innovation hub at the link below:

State of play report – East cohesion region of Slovenia
Together with renowned European organization ECORYS, we at DIH UM prepared a State of play Report on the situation in East cohesion region of Slovenija. The purpose of this report emphasized the advantages in the potential growth of the East cohesion region of Slovenija, which is covered by the Digital Innovation Hub of the University of Maribor. The report is available at the link below. State of play report – DIH University of Maribor

We presented ourselves at the annual event of digital innovation hubs: Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2019 in Madrid
We attended the annual event of digital innovation hubs: “Digitizing European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2019” in Madrid, where the final event of the DIHELP project also took place. 30 digital innovation hubs from all European countries presented themselves at the Forum and were given an opportunity to find complementary partners to participate in the upcoming “Digital Europe” program. The Stakeholder Forum is a public event organised on a yearly basis by the European Commission and one Member State within the context of the Digitising European Industry initiative (DEI). In coordination with the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourismm this year’s edition focused on “Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation Hubs – beyond 2020″ Artificial Intelligence is already showing its potential to tackle long-term challenges and to provide cost effective solutions. European policies are prioritising such potential through the support of Digital Innovation Hubs, industrial partnerships and a variety of additional initiatives that include funding instruments and other opportunities. On the other hand, ethical implications and legislative initiatives are receiving a prominent position in policy projections beyond 2020. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are quickly becoming a core element of many industrial environments, the upcoming Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes are […]

We work closely with DIH UM and FERI – Institute of Robotics within the ROBOFLEX competence center, where through the ROBOTOOL-1 project in the company EMO orodjarna d.o.o. we introduce elements of collaborative robotics into the production process.

Through DIH UM and FERI – Institute of Informatics and Institute of Computer Science through the activities of our DIH AGRIFOOD we successfully cooperate in the field of smart agriculture, where we digitize the entire value chain – from precision farming through the integration of Earth observation data, sensor and weather data, to traceability in short food supply chains using blockchain technology.

We work closely with DIH UM and FERI – Institute of Computer Science in various industrial, domestic and international projects. Recently, we have been very successful in building stories in the field of mobility, health and the environment, and we are just now embarking on the path of developing smart solutions in agriculture.

We are cooperating with DIH UM and FERI – Institute of Computer Science in the development of solutions for smart factories, where we are focused on the optimization of work processes with the introduction of the digital twin.

We cooperate with DIH UM and FERI – Institute of Automation and Institute of Informatics mainly in the field of factories of the future, and we are currently involved in the international AI REGIO project of Horizon 2020, where our activities are combined in an experimental pilot in the field of artificial intelligence.
Become a member
Seize the opportunity and connect with different actors from across the Eastern Cohesion Region. Get together with other businesses, public institutions, and the world of academia. Start the digital transformation of your organization.
Join us in 3 simple steps:
- Use the form (link below) to register for free.
- Your membership access will be confirmed within 1-2 business days.
- After the registration you will be granted access to all contents and services provided by DIH UM.