Past tenders

First call for STADIEM (Startup Driven Innovation in European Media)
The European STADIEM programme aims to bring together startups, scaleups, investors and media organisations. Its goal is to stimulate and shape the application of emerging technologies – including artificial intelligence, 5G, the cloud, the Internet of Things, virtual/augmented reality, wearables, and data analytics, which foster the development of Next Generation Media solutions -the European media/content moonshots.

PULSATE – 1st Technology Transfer Experiments Open Call for Innovative Laser-based Solutions
Designed as a 13 month programe, PULSATE is an initiative to promote a Pan-European Network designed to boost the adoption of LBAAM manufacturing technologies through the uptake of advanced digital tools in European SMEs.

2nd WeldGalaxy Open Call for Innovations in Arc Welding Technology
Through 2 Open Calls (OICs) launched during the project, WeldGalaxy will select up to 25 Open Innovation Pilots. Those Pilots will enter the WeldGalaxy Support program and will become beta testers of the WeldGalaxy platform.

AI4EU Call for Solutions of AI Challenges
The objective of the AI4EU Call for Solutions is to select the best 41 Solution Providers that will solve one of the specifically published challenges faced by European industry.

EU-Citizen.Science – Development of Learning Modules on Topics related to Citizen Science
The EU-Citizen.Science Call will fund the development, implementation and testing of 10 training modules on the topic of citizen science.

EU4Business is collecting proposals for partnership of EU and EaP Business Support Organisations
The object of this Call for Proposals is to identify, for each economic sector EU4BCC project addresses, a partnership of EU and EaP Business Support Organisations having a keen and common interest in elaborating, managing and implementing actions under the supervision of the relevant Sectorial Consortium.

Open call for the development of additional digital functionalities for the DIY4U platform
The DIY4U Open Innovation Call is an opportunity to be involved in an innovative project to develop and promote decentralised customer-centric product design & production approaches for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs). The DIY4U project enables consumers to collaborate with manufacturers to design and create personalised FMCGs, though the DIY4U digital platform and Fablabs (small scale manufacturing demonstration facilities).

VOJEXT Challenges for European Robotic driven SME’s and Mid-Caps
Value Of Joint EXperimentation in digital Technologies for manufacturing and construction (VOJEXT) is launching a set of challenges for which European Robotic driven SMEs and Mid-Caps are invited to propose solutions.

Zero Defects Manufacturing Platform: 3,2 mio € total financing budget
The Zero Defects Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project team invites you to apply for your share of €3.2million EC H2020 Funding split over 2 separate Open Calls aimed at European SME software developers, tech companies and manufacturers to create, test, validate and/or integrate innovative zero-defect solutions for Industry4.0 using the ZDMP components, services and platform.

EIT RawMaterials KAVA Call 8 for Regional Innovation, Upscalling and Education Projects
EIT RawMaterials connects stakeholders and actors from different parts of the raw materials value chain creating a unique collaborative environment for breakthrough innovations and radically new ways to address raw materials challenges.

Public tender – P1 PLUS 2021 – Bank Loan Guarantees with Interest Rate Subsidy
The purpose of the tender is to enable companies to obtain bank loans faster, easier and cheaper, therefore, ensuring the growth and development of SMEs through new investments, modernization of technological equipment and the provision of working capital in connection with investments and development projects.

EIC Pathfinder – Support to research teams to research or develop an emerging breakthrough technology
With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs.
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