The Partners
- Intrasoft International, koordinator (Belgium)
- Philips Medical Systems Netherlands BV (Netherlands)
- Vimas SPA (Italy)
- Green Communications SAS (France)
- Telematic Medical Applications Emporia KAI (Greece)
- Eclexys Sagl (Switzerland)
- F6S Network Ireland Limited (Ireland)
- Pharmecons Easy Access LTD (United Kingdom)
- Teraglobus Latvia SIA (Latvia)
- Ninety One GmbH (Germany)
- EIT Health Germany GmbH (Germany)
- Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor (Slovenia)
- San Camillo IRCCS SRL (Italy)
- Servicio Madrilleno de Salud (Spain)
- Panepistimiako Geniko Nosokomeio Thessalonijis Axepa (Greece)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
- Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)
- Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (Switzerland)
- Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia)
- Fundacion Instituto Technologico de Castilla y Leon (Spain)
- Fundacion Intras (Spain)
- Association European Federation for Medical Informatics (Switzerland)
- Federation Europeenne des Hopitaux et des Soins de Sante (Belgium)
Project HosmartAI, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, will create a common open Integration Platform with the necessary tools to facilitate and measure the benefits of integrating digital technologies (robotics and AI) in the healthcare system. A central hub will offer multi-faceted lasting functionalities (Marketplace, Co-creation space, Benchmarking) to healthcare stakeholders, combined with a collection of methods, tools and solutions to integrate and deploy AI-enabled solutions. The Benchmarking tool will promote the adoption in new settings, while enabling a meeting place for technology providers and end-users.
University of Maribor is participatig through its highly multidisciplinary team of experts in artificial intelligences, in the domain of conversational intelligence, digital sensing and human-machine (Laboratory for Digital Signal Processing, Institute for electronics and Telecommunication, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), in the domain of robotics and cognitive mechatronics (Laboratory for Cognitive Systems in Mechatronics, Institute of Robotics) and experts in psychology, patient experiences and user experience (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts).
The team from UM will be in charge to deliver Pilot 5 addressing the integration and applicability of social robotics and patient gathered health data in the care of patients during surgical routine. The pilot is executed in close collaboration and under supervision of the University Clinical Center Maribor. In Pilot 2, UM will contribute to support patients in radiologic routine. And in Pilot 6 UM will transfer experiences and knowledge from Pilot 5 and evaluate them in the setting of elderly care and rehabilitation.